
What would one consider honey, vegan or not?

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I can see where honey would be a better choice if that is all one had to sweeten foods with since some sugar is made with bone char.

Yet, I do not eat honey because it is an animal product...molasses can be just as good.

What would you say?

*also, I am addressing those serious about this issue.




  1. theres vegan honey

    i knwo weird huh

    bu i think honey is because how are bees harmed to make it?????

  2. Honey is definitely not vegan. If it were, I'm sure that some people could start calling organic milk vegan cuz they "treat the cows nice".

    Have you tried agave nectar. I could chug a bottle of that S**t.

    For everyone that thinks that insects are not a part of the animal kingdom, please take a biology class.

  3. you get a star from me. so the vegan thing is kind of along that line if your house was infested with rats, you would have to move out rather than exterminate the rats, huh. who knew

  4. Bees are insects and not animals -- they are of another kingdom of life.  

    The definition of Vegan is not eating animal meat nor animal products.

    Thus, if you want, you can eat insects and still be vegan.

  5. vegans are not aloud to eat honey. simply because it comes from an animal. although bee´s are insects, they still count.

  6. I'm a vegan and still eat honey...actually I don't. I have never eaten honey simply because I don't like it. But if I did like it, I would eat it. To me it's all about animal cruelty, I mean there is a difference between insects in a hive and cows in a slaughter house or veal pen. There is a lot more suffering going on, and frankly I don't see how insects can suffer. Bugs do not show personalities or uniqueness, unlike animals such as cows, chickens and pigs. Bugs also have extremely small brains, pretty much microscopic, so I don't understand how they would be able to comprehend what's going on. Anyways this is just my opinion, sorry it's so brutal :P I just don't feel the same way about bugs that I do about cows, chickens, turkeys, sheep and pigs. Like steves95008 said, bugs are insects and from a whole other kingdom.

  7. It's not vegan.  It's an animal product.  I have no problem with farmers setting up hives to get their crops pollinated, but they don't need to steal the honey and replace it with some cheap kind of syrup so the bees can live.

    A true informed vegan would not eat honey.  I'm sorry if you disagree, but it's the truth.  Vegans don't eat animal products.  End of story:)

  8. i would consider it good on my toast.

    with a glass of milk.

    cmon we have K9 teeth for a reason

  9. I'm confused... some sugar is made from bone char, but you would use molasses?  Molasses is a by-product of the sugar industry.  Woudn't it contain bone char too?

    A real vegan would not use honey since it is derived from an animal source.  Use maple sugar instead... that's from a tree.

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