
What would police do, if a person being booked into jail had removed their handprints completely?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a protocol out there or something for that scenario?




  1. Well... you cant remove DNA.  And some one would have to be pretty d**n desperate to try to remove several layers of skin off of their hands.  Their prints would still be taken as is.

  2. Does this happen a lot where you live?

  3. You can't remove them completely, technically.  Even in worst case scenario, whatever they have done to their hands to remove them still leaves its own "prints".  They would still take "prints" as usual.

  4. they can hold you until they can id you charge you with obstruction of justice and attempting to elude police so that petty charge just became a big problem

  5. They could use the print from their foot as well as whatever markings are left on their hands.

  6. they'd take finger prints, blood and DNA samples, and probably a dental imprint

  7. i'd imagine they'd get photo's and maybe a dna sample.  I don't think removing your fingers is worth whatever they'd be trying to hide.

  8. When they stopped laughing at the moron, they would hold them indefinitely.

  9. They'd do exactly what you'd expect - nothing.

    If the prints aren't there, they aren't there.  What would the police do with someone who'd lost a finger(s)?  They'd do nothing.  You can't ask someone to grow a new set of prints before they are released.  

    And just because a person doesn't have fingerprints there's nothing that says blood, DNA, hair or some kind of body fluid samples are authorized.  That's something that would be totally dependent on state law.

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