
What would rate my pokemon team out of 10

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Infernape- Earthquake,Close combat,Flare blitz,Thunder punch

Sharpedo- Surf,Ice beam,Crunch,Hydro pump

Staraptor- Fly,Brave bird,Close combat,Quick attack

Garchomp- Brick break,Earthquake,Dragon rush,Dragon pulse

Alakazam- Psybeam,Psychic,Calm mind,Focus blast

Magnezone- Thunder,Mirror shot,Magnet bomb,Zap cannon

If you would like to battle my pal pad code is 2063 1255 4627

And btw all my pokemon are level 100




  1. It's good........... but I can't battle with u cuz, My pokemons r in around lv70.

  2. It's ok, maybe a 7. Your pokemon are too one dimensional. When adversity comes up your pokemon should be able to handle it, not have to be returned.

    What happens if a dark type comes up against alakazam?

  3. srry but i give your pokemon a 5 because u dont think battles through(i can tell) i can use a dark pokemon for your alakazam a dewgong for your infernape,staraptor and garchomp a ground pokemon for ur magnezone and a thunder pokemon for your sharpedo.

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