
What would really happen if you cross bred a human and chimp?

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has it ever been done before??

i know sick question!! but I'm curious to know what would happen, would something like Oliver happen? or would the sperm or whatever die because of different species, and i don't want raving jesus people answering my question!! saying its wrong to play god!!!

a ape man would be cool though, and im not saying ill go make an ape pregnants okay!!!!!




  1. You'd get Gordon Brown or Pete Sampras!

  2. You'd have a very cross chimpanzee.

  3. Serious Answer:  An attempt to create a hybrid by pairing a Human and a Chimpanzee would very likely succeed. The level of chromosomal similarity between humans and chimpanzees is equivalent to or even closer than other species which have been interbreeded successfully.  

    The offspring would be termed either a "Humanzee" of a "Chuman" since geneticists name hybrids according to the convention : first part of sire's name + second part of dam's name.  "Chuman" therefore refers to a hybrid of male chimpanzee and female human, while "Humanzee" refers to a hybrid of male human and female chimpanzee.

    There is a strong chance that the resulting Humanzee would be infertile. Like the mule (a cross between a male donkey and a female horse), many hybrids are unable to reproduce, limiting the ability to spawn a new species.

    In an recent interview, Dr Calum MacKellar, director of research at the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics, and Professor Bob Millar, director of the Medical Research Human Reproductive Sciences Unit in Edinburgh, agreed viable offspring would be possible. Dr. MacKellar warned that scientists might try to develop the new species to fill the demand for organ donors.

    Scientists have already begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras— hybrid creatures that are part human and part animal by fusing human cells with animal eggs to create hybrid embryos.

    Here's an interesting list of some of the creatures with DNA equally or less similar than Humans and Chimpanzees which have been crossed successfully:

    A LIGER is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger, while a TIGON is a cross between a male tiger and a female lion.

    A ZORSE is the offspring of a zebra stallion and a horse mare.

    A ZONKEY or ZEBRASS is a cross between a zebra and a donkey.

    A WHOLPHIN is born from a mating of bottlenose dolphin and a false killer whale.

    A BEEFALO is a cross of an American Bison and a domestic cow.

  4. you get gordon brown

  5. haha something very wrong

    r u gonna do some strange sick project?  

  6. you would get a chuman....very intelligent breed i would say!

  7. i'm sorry, PRESIDENT BUSH, anyone?!

  8. I think its called vinnie jones.

    But I could be wrong.



  9. Youd get a chimphuman called chris

  10. its already been done you should see my mate Andrew he is the missing link

  11. rite.. 1st prob chimps have 48 chromosomes, humans only 46. Crossbreed if it survived wud have 47 chroms and b infertile.

    So soln is to fuse chrom 2 in chimps oocyte/sperm and split equiv chrom in human oocyte/sperm making 47 chroms each...then fuse!

    Yeah i know when u split a chrom u lose a  centromere section..but surely there's a centromerase enzyme 2 take care of that.

    Predict offspring..1/4 australopethecus,1/2 'human' and 1/4 chimp.

  12. wouldnt work, egg wouldnt accept the sperm.

    if it was done in a lab, you'd probably get some kind of hughly mutated creature.

  13. Strangely, it has been attempted, but no pregnancies resulted from the programs, it seems humans and chimps are too genetically different to produce offspring.

    give me a few minutes and I'll try and find a link.

    here you go-

  14. Wayne Roony?

  15. Please, whatever you do, don't have s*x with a chimp.

    Thats how AIDS started

  16. yo mama .. .


  17. amy winehouse

  18. maybe Tarzan would be produced  

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