
What would result if hemoglobin preferred CO2 over O2?

by Guest21431  |  earlier

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i cant find anything for this question and its frustrating me.

I have to discuss normal CO2 transport through the body, as well as the roles of O2 and CO2 in the respiratory system.




  1. If that would have been the case it would have been beneficial for us at the cell(terminal) end where Hb would have taken all the CO2 and released the O2 in return. But at the same time it would have been catastrophic at the lungs where during expiration Hb will not release CO2 and wont absorb O2. This would have resulted in retention of all CO2 produced in body itself with no new gas exchange possible. And all Hb would get saturated with CO2 with nothing left for oxygen transport. Leading to hypoxia and cell death.

    I think so if that was possible it would have been incompatible with life

  2. In more simpler form ..

    You'd die.

    The body has no use for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and hemoglobin is in red blood cells that help carry oxygen (O2) to where it is needed in our bodies and deposits it. Which keeps us alive. If there was no O2, the body would sufficate. CO2 is considered a waste to our body because it has no use to our system,

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