
What would someone wishing to become a U.S ambassador have to study in college?

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Preferably to France or other European country.




  1. most ambassadors are political appointees with no qualifications for the job.  Occassionaly, a career diplomat will get the top job.  So, look for working in State as a junior dude and keep plugging at it for 20 years or so.  A degree in languages, international relations and political science would help.  When you work your way up and are a senior official of an embasy when the ambassador dies, you might get the intereim appointment.   Or, give a couple million to a successful candidate for pres.

  2. Study foreign diplomacy, French language and government in order that you can become an Ambassador.

  3. You want to be Ambassador to France or another European country you need much more then a degree. You need to know someone or (more importantly depending on the President) have a lot of money to donate to a campaign.

  4. Money, Old Money and Arms

    And buddies whom have and deal the same as you.

    I don't think you have to study

    You could buy your way around like the rest of them.

    Why would you want to rub elbows with that goup?  Don't you have real friends???

  5. Probably minor in the native tongue of the country you wish to be appointed to; major in business.

    You need lots of money for campaign donations, in order to be appointed to an ambassador post.

  6. Take on a double major in Political Science and French.  Also, try to find a school in the Washington, D.C. area and try to intern at the State Department.  Also, look for study abroad programs in France for your junior year.

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