
What would sound better in a ford explorer?

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two 12" sony explodes or one 15" 1300W max power acoustic subwoofer.




  1. it depends on personal preference. don't let those other 2 guys mis inform you. there is nothing wrong with sony explod subwoofers. I have personally installed 2 10's for my sister in a bandpass box and she likes them. they sound good in my opinion 2.

    and a 15" subwoofer is perfectly capable of doing anything a 10 or 12 can do. it doesn't sound "muddy." 15's are bigger so they can push more air making them more able to play louder and deeper than smaller subwoofers. I have a memphis mojo 15 in my car and the bass is ridiculous according to the people who have sat in my car. and it sounds even better than the two 10's I used to have. just as clear and and accurate, but much much louder and deeper.

    they can both sound good, so its a matter of how much space you want to use, how much power you want to use, do u want a ported box or sealed box, do you want to be really loud, or do u want to focus more on sound quality. its really down to personal preference.

  2. 2 12"s

    Though xplodes aren't exactly known for being high quality. I'd go with some polk subs or MTX or something.

  3. Neither.  Sony explodes will blow the second you turn the volume k**b above 5 and the power acoustic will just sound horrible either way (but i dont know whether thats because its a 15" sub (which in that case its guaranteed to be muddy and inaccurate) or if its because its power acoustic).  If your gonna spend money on subs, spend it wisely.  If your lookin for bass, go with rockford fosgate.

  4. power acoustic but its preference really i just hate xplodes

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