
What would the TOTAL Carbon Footprint of a NASCAR Season be including Race Day & Travel Spectators & Vendors.?

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What would the TOTAL Carbon Footprint of a NASCAR Season be including Race Day & Travel Spectators & Vendors.?




  1. "Carbon footprint"??

    You sound like a Kool-Aid drinker.

    In terms of "carbon footprint", do we get to count all the innovations that come from the racetrack like:

    Pneumatic tires

    Pneumatic suspension

    Fuel injection

    Alternate fuel

    Lubrication technology

    Bearing technology

    Crash survivability

    Aerodynamic technology

    Radial tires

    Fire suppression

    Ignition technology

    Transmission technology

    And lots more.

    All of these things were developed and tested on the racetrack to win races and ALL of the cars we drive are more efficient and safe because of the racetrack.

  2. Comparable to that of a tour by U2.  Or a season of NFL Football.  Or Major League Baseball.  Or Obama's Election Campaign.

  3. Considering what all the green plants do  it is equal to zero.

  4. About the same as a U2 Concert, or Al gore flying around and making speeches.

  5. That is one tough question. Instead just look at this. A vehicle getting 12 mpg driving 12,000 miles annually produces 16,769 tons of CO2 annually. A Nascar averages about 4 mpg or 3 times as much or 50,307 tons CO2 annually if driving 12,000 miles. Don't have any idea number of miles in all races or number of cars running a race. But you can see this is a LOT of CO2.

    Then determine number of spectators consider about 24mpg and average miles driven and you might come up with a ballpark figure. But it will be a WAG by any means.

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