
What would the World survive on wihtout Oil?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, without any oils- not even bio-diesel fuels.




  1. you know honestly, even though everyone is struggling to find a replacement...I really REALLY don't think we'll find one in time when oil truely runs out.

    lol. I don't think the world can survive without oil. we'll probably go crazy, maybe in another major WORLD war.

    If not, they might just resort to hydrogen, and each person risk exploding by ignition on their own.

    lol.. crazy..good question. I really wonder what it would be like..

  2. I just asked a similar question, but I only know of three natural resources...

    1. Solar Energy (Obviously the sun)

    2. Hydroelectric Power (Water Power)

    3. Wind Power (I must admit this isn't a very balanced source of power, since wind isn't always blowing to sufficiently power a place, meaning some conservation is required)

  3. It would be impossible. Oil (or petroleum products) will always be a necessity. Cutting down on the use of fossil fuels should be our goal.

  4. maybe

  5. Solar, geothermal, tidal, nuclear.

    Most developed countries already have power grids for distribution.  

    Air travel might be a problem.

    I think the problem is more political and economic, than technical.

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