
What would the best school be that i could walk on a mens volleyball college team?

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im lie amazing at volleyball. enuf said. the high school girls coach actually wanted me to play for the girls team. im playing soccer but volleyball is my sport. whats a good school that i could possibly have a chance of playing on. its y passion. i live in ohio. so i wouldnt wanna go anywhere in like cali or sumthin like that




  1. University of Phoenix.

  2. First of all you need (RIF). Second...why would a man be asked to play on the girls team????  IPFW is a D-1 school I am sure they run try outs but it's all up to your skillz!!!!  If your that good then you shouldn't have to worry about making any team whatsoever.

  3. If you're concerned about playing college ball at the varsity level, there are a few options in the Midwest, where schools are looking for some good players, and where someone with limited experience still might be able to fill in. Division III schools are your best bet:  Clarke, Milwaulkee School of Engineering, Carthage (who's very strong) are schools that come to mind.  If you're interested in going to school in the Northeast, there are plenty of schools where you might be able to walk on:  CUNYs, and several schools in the NECVA conference might suit your needs

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