
What would the city of Buffalo do if they won the Stanley Cup?

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What would the city of Buffalo do if they won the Stanley Cup?




  1. Probably panic because the owners of the Sabres would move the team to Las Vegas, Fresno, or some other warm place.

  2. Implode.

    Any city that doesn't implode when winning the Stanley Cup, doesn't deserve a franchise.

  3. They never will so theres no point wasting brain power in thinking of what they'd do.

  4. probably nothing, who likes the sabres

  5. Riot like they did in Bruce Almighty

  6. Stuff themselves silly with the city's famed delicacy. Buffalo chicken wings; accompanied by their favorite cold beverage.  

  7. They would have a mass heart attack that they finally won a Championship.

  8. Wait for the other six signs of the Apocalypse.  I believe the Bills winning the Super Bowl is one of those as well.

  9. probably drink a lot and burn stuff

  10. Hopefully fall into Lake Erie

  11. The city would go into party mode and everyone would get the day off. My cousin lives there, and she loves the Sabres, so I know SHE would be going crazy.

  12. believe in miracles

  13. Hopefully go to Toronto to gloat.  

  14. riot

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