
What would the dentist do for a small cavity?

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I went to the dentist and he was like "oh good. we got a small cavity". and i was surprised cause my teeth are clean all the time but anyways what would they do to you for this situation. Would it hurt? someone tell me im scared




  1. Hello...First, if you do indeed have a "small" cavity, it can be filled without your having a numbing injection. If on the other hand the decay appears to be very deep or at least deep enough that cleaning it out could cause you discomfort, the dentist will administer an anesthetic injection to numb the area. Let me tell you this, nine times out of ten the patient is not able to tell when the injection is being given and when it's not. The greatest pain you could feel would be fear settle down and get your mind right...It's popular to complain about dentist and pain when the reality is they are seldom ever the creators of actual pain...In most cases, dental related pain is due to a patient putting off going to the dentist until the pain gets more than they want to deal cases like that, the infection sometimes interferes with the anesthetic working as good as it would otherwise....but that's not the dentist fault.....You will do just fine and feel no pain.

  2. as long as he said small. u wont need the shot.

    omg ik i was scared wen i got my first cavity (which was this yr) and ever since ive been getting cavities! i alrady have like 9! in the past year.

    and i got the needle 4 times.  

  3. They numb it with laughing gas (they might let u take ur ipod or mp3 to listen to it through the whole thing. they did with me) and pull it BUT...

    They would most likely just fill it in. painless. No needles, just, filling.....

  4. I have had my dentist tell me the same thing and she said that because it is small she didnt need to fill it unless  i wanted it filled. So unless it is bothering you or effecting the way you eat, i wouldnt worry. Just be sure to brush at least twice a day, that will keep it from getting any bigger.

  5. If the cavity is very small, you may not need anesthetic. Having a filling done is not painful and if the doc thinks that you do need anesthetic, he/she will place some numbing gel on your gum before the injection. The needles used by dentists are very small in diameter. Don't worry about getting a filling. Be glad your dentist caught it early, it will be less of a problem than if you wait. Good luck!

  6. they will give you a filling.

    it doesn't hurt much, especially with all the novocaine and the laughing gas ;D

  7. They might numb it and give it a filling.  It doesn't hurt at all.

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