
What would the down payment be on this???

by  |  earlier

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im a country girl and i have a fetish for big trucks and im wanting to get this one in about a year or so, but could one of you all tell me what the down payment would be on this truck?? thanks yall :)




  1. depends largely on your credit.  typically if you don't want to be upside down right from the get go 20% is a good place to start.  on that truck that's 3140... unless you can talk him down a little.

    i understand loving trucks, i used to drive a 98 GMC 2500 extended cab 4x4, but with the price of gas where it is and likely to break 5 a gallon next summer, make sure you can afford the feeding the beast before you get one.  my truck was a casualty of that, but fortunately i predicted this price spike and got out before i got stuck...

    at 3.50 a gallon, 15K a year at an average of 14 mpg (CR number) you're looking at 3700 annually just for gas.  another 3600 a year for payments and 800 or so for insurance.  you'll need to plan 9K a year (repairs and maint) just to run the truck.

  2. that's up to the finance company. some might allow you to put down as little as $500.

    or accept a trade in

    the bigger your down payment the lower your monthly payments will be

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