
What would the following imply??

by  |  earlier

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What would the following possible things I'd do imply after I tell him he's special to me(after we go somewhere private to talk):

A) wait a few seconds for a response and give him a tight hug (does it matter if my arms are under his arms or around his neck?)


B) wait for a response and then give him a side hug and rest my forehead against his jaw briefly and walk away


C) ask him if I can hug him after he responds or doesn't respond

What would it mean if he doesn't respond?




  1. I feel something like a 'Big Game Hunter' answering questions about tracking and observing the prey.

    Showing a maybe lack of response could mean that he is shy, shocked, surprise, naivety, indifferent, not interested or somewhere between any two or more of them.

    A)  It might matter to one or to both of you, depending up degrees of dis/comfort in this.

    B)  It's up to you, there are no Rules, just trust to your own judgment.

    C)  Asking him may well be seen as 'cute' (ugh), but never the less nice ...implying that his part in this relationship has significance for you.  But again, there are no Rules.  Doing whichever you chose to do could be the right or wrong thing relation to the outcome and whether it's what you want or have fantasies about.

    Anyway, you're heart's in the right place, and that's a Bonus.


  2. I would say A is the appropriate answer. As far as putting your arms around him it depends on your height difference. If you are the same height or shorter than him you should put your arms under his. If you are taller than him put your arms around his neck. If he doesn't respond it means that he isn't sure if he feels the same way about you, but you shouldn't be afraid to ask. At least you would know the truth. Besides, most men will respond automatically to this sort of statement, the tough one is when you say I love you, but that wasn't part of the question so you shouldn't worry about that yet.

  3. A- dont beat around the bush, men hate that

    B- no trying to read body language c**p either, men are creatures of reason, if its not in front of our faces and in bold print, dont attempt it

    C- if you like him, tell him you want a serious relationship


  4. I guess B.  and it might not mean anything other than he didn't know HOW to respond if he didn't respond.

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