
What would the lease program be on the audi a5 when there is no premium (meaning the car's MSRP would be 40k)

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average credit... 4,000 down payment.. how much would i be paying per month




  1. Currently, there is no premium on the A5, but you will have to pay sticker price. The hard part will be getting one. Currently, they are very hard to find because of the high demand for them. My dealer is expecting around 20 before November and they are all sold already.

    If I were you, I would not lease one right now. Out of the 12 I have sold, none of them have been leased. This is because the car has such a high demand, the lease programs are rotten. If you want to lease, I would wait until late 2009 or early 2010 when the demand for them will not be as high.

    If you were to lease one now, you would be spending from $600-$950 depending on how long and how many miles a year.

    Good Luck

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