
What would the merger between Microsoft and Yahoo mean to us?

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What would it mean to the people who use yahoo email? I hope Microsoft won't bring annoying things...




  1. We will be doomed! But despair not we will still be able to Google!

  2. certainly less choices for us. mergers are always bad because it means less competition. but i wouldn't worry about google. if you can't google MS will lose many customers.

  3. Microsoft is a monster.

    It wishes to control the entire internet, the entire world.

    You can bet it is part of the plan to be able to monitor every aspect of the internet.

    Those who seek to control us are wise enough to know the internet is  a threat to them.

    They can control the media by coercion, threats and political pressure, but they can't control you and I in our homes, so they must gain control of the wires over which we communicate.

    Don't think they can?

    Just read about what happens to people in China who dare to disagree with their government.

    They end up in jail as political prisoners.  Odd that they often disappear.  By coincidence, China has a ready supply of organs for sale. Need a liver, a kidney, a cornea, a lung? They have just what you need.

    Think about it...............

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