
What would the outcome have been if this had happened.?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving out of a car park onto a B road turning right, I could only see so for up the road for illegally parked cars. I truned right when I thought it was clear and a motorbike was going down the road towards be doing at least 60 MPH IN A 30 MPH ZONE!!! (I know its not much of an excuse but it is the only one I have got) He had to swerve badly to avoid hitting the drivers side door on my VW passat. My question is IF the worst had happened what would the total outcome have been.

Thank you and have a nice day.




  1. he hit your car and died and athorities found you at fault and pressed charges for man slaughter. and you go to jail

  2. Was that you was it????

    I was in the wrong for speeding in a 30 zone,

    But next time pay more attention when pulling out on to a main

  3. If the worst had happened it would have been Armageddon - the cleansing h**l fire would have been upon us all... haha... the worst... lolbbq..

  4. the motorbike rider would have been killed....

  5. You would have been accused (if in the UK) of careless driving or causing death by dangerous driving. Regardless of the speed of the motorcyclist, he/she had right of way on the road you were joining. And if you were aware of "illegally" parked cars, the emphasis is on you to ensure you deal with the hazard whilst showing due regard to other road users. And you would have more than likely killed the motorcyclist (who had right of way) had it not been for his/her quick reactions. Which makes me doubt he/she was travelling at the speed you estimate. He/she had clearly seen the potential danger of any parked cars (legal or otherwise) and a therefore concealed entrance. I would expect his/her actions resulted from adapting his/her riding style and speed accordingly (hence he/she was able to swerve).

    And any oncoming vehicle would have been visible through the windows of any parked cars. Unless you didn't assess the hazard thoroughly.

  6. the very same thing happened to me but car hit me not motorcycle(whilst edging out to see better), insurance said it was my fault because the other car had right of way, even with the illegally parked cars obscuring my view , and the other driver being on his fone

  7. Even if the cars were parked illegally

    The onus is on you to make sure it is safe to pull out

  8. Only God can tell the total outcome.

  9. I dnno i lost you on 'i was driving' ..

  10. doesn't bear thinking about, just be glad your safe

  11. There is a junction near where I live that has exactly the same problem and a few recent serious accidents ( some fatal ) to boot.  If the worst had happened, you would have been a prime canditate for death by careless driving.  Bikes do speed ( don't they just ) and it was clear that you never saw him coming.  If detailed analysis showed he was indeed doing twice the speed limit, that may mitigate in your favour.  Some junctions will always be a risk and you always have to assess the situation but a second out could make all the difference.  The lesson to be learned here is to simply take more time at junctions and ease out like you are fear the worst ... that can be a life saver.  And yes, we have all been there ....

  12. You would have been completely at fault for not making sure that the road was clear and if the cycle ride was killed you could be charged with involuntary manslaughter and if not hurt you would have been sued after your insurance ran out....

  13. worst outcome - it could have killed one of you and put the other in a coma for the rest of life

  14. you would have both died and i would have stole your VW Pissant.

  15. Police take photographs and record skid-markings before asking questions. I was involved in an accident like this in my teens (back seat passenger), turning out of a car-park. A warning sign for side-roads is shown on the B-road before the brow of a sudden hill, and a car smacked into the tail end of our car, at just over 65mph. Insurance was paid from the oncoming car's company, as they were over the speed-limit and failed to take action despite adequate warning signage.

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