
What would the outcome of kegging a Sweet Mead wine?

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I have fermented a 5 gllon Batch of Raspberry Honey wine and I dont bottle .What would happen if I put it in a 5 gallon keg and force carbonated it.




  1. Go for it. The outcome will be the same. Well nearly the same. Unless you use a 0.5 micron carbonating stone you will get large bubbles as apposed to the small natural ones. But none the less it will be nicely drinkable.

  2. 6.0 seismic quake on the Richter scale?

  3. I've force carbonated a lot of mead.  It's the way to go as you control exactly how carbonated it'll end up.  Also, the bubbles are a nice sensation on the tongue.

  4. As long as you like sparkling meads, it will work just fine.  Personally, I like still meads.  You can do either in a keg, but still meads you need to be careful to keep your PSI low or it will carbonate over time.

    I understand your desire to keg instead of bottle.  Buying a kegging system was the single best decision I have ever made in pursuit of my homebrewing hobby.  No more bottle cleaning, and it's SO much easier than filling bottles.  I would say, however, in the case of my meads I still like to get out the old bottle filler and put it to work.  A couple of reasons:

    1. With a fruit mead using raspberry, the color is so fantastic that I like to use clear bottles.  (No hops in a mead, so no problem using the clear bottles.)  It looks positively brilliant.  

    2. A mead is drink with certain gravity (pun intended), it just feels right to me to uncork a bottle of mead rather than pull a tap handle.

    3. Mead changes significantly with age.  I love to try a bottle or two every few months to see how it changes with time.

    Just my two cents.  I think you'll be happy however you decide to approach it!

  5. sounds good, save me a glass.

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