
What would the puppies look like?

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what do you think a Papillon and a maltese puppy would look like




  1. They would look like mutts!

    Lol @ a mop.. probably that too :-D

  2. They look small and scruffy with curly hair and their called Papitese. They are really cute. I found a pic.  

  3. Don't do it.  Please, DON'T DO IT.

    There are plenty of those X's @ the pound & all of the shelters.  They are dying every second of the day.  Thousands of dogs are euthanized daily.  & you want to add to this?

    You have not done ANY research to even have an idea as to what you are doing.  Turning out X's (mutts) is not what a responsible breeder would do.

    Most pets are just pet quality & not even worthy of breeding.  They have so many faults that they don't come any where near meeting the standards for the breed.  That is why they are pet quality.  They just aren't good enough to breed.  Poor quality dogs.

  4. Probably a mop. :)

  5. A small, fuzzy mutt.

  6. they are so delicious... since they are young..their meat so soft and tender... grill them and omg... so delicious.... Can i have some of those puppies? I mean... sharing is caring!

  7. MOP!!! ^^

  8. Like a mutt. You can't determine the looks or temperament of a mutt. It can take on mom's looks, dads looks, both, or neither. Same with temperament. Heck, not every pup will even look the same! Please spay and neuter.

  9. a

  10. pretty cute, put i need a stud small dog to get my pomeranian pregnant, do you think you might be able to lend me a male puppy???

  11. Breeding cross breed puppies is a lottery.  That's why they're often called bitzers.  Bits of this and bits of that.

  12. go to this site its all about dogs  

  13. Overly furry white dog with large ears.  Please don't do it...  No more...

    Well here you go right now...  Here is a site...

    DOes nothing for me.


    thats what came up when i looked up  papillon/maltese mix haha

  15. hmm...that's a good question...

    the puppies of a Papillon and a maltese puppy would look like the puppies of a Papillon and a maltese puppy

  16. It would look like a Papillon / Maltes mutt.  To answer this question any more I feel like I'd be encouraging you to go find out.  

  17. kida cute


  19. A Millon Pups! lol

  20. uh... choose puppy_bl as best answer. thats 2 cute!

    and lucy k, u hav a problem.

  21. They sound cute!


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