
What would the weather be like on an earth like planet w/two suns and two moons?

by Guest58589  |  earlier

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What would the weather be like on an earth like planet w/two suns and two moons?




  1. there would be NOTHING. simple.

  2. Probably in the day 2xs hotter and in the night 2xs colder.

  3. well it would be hotter..and the days will go by faster because the sun will set and rise twice in what we would call 1 day

  4. extremely hot in the day(assuming the 2 suns are at same distance from the earth as the current sun is) and possibly no night

    the water(if present which i doubt) will be hot and the tides will be extremely high and as for the weather, the atmosphere will rapidly get depleted withing a few millennia.

    And the planetr will itself get destroyed in a short period of time due to the gravitational pull of the two stars

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