
What would the world be like if children weren't taught religion?

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If they were left to their own devices, and their parents didn't speak to them about religion?

Would they seek God/Gods?




  1. catch 22..

    no God= no difference between wrong and right.

    people would be totally unconscious of their actions.

    utter chaos.

    but if people weren't so religious and closed minded things would be more peaceful.  

  2. dude tons of kids are raised without a religion.

    and before there even WAS religions kids were raised without religion lol.

    but ultimately people start wondering how everything began, if theres a higher power etc. so then they seek out answers. and for many the answer is God

    i hope that answers your query :)  

  3. Maybe once they grew older and started to seek out reasons and explanations for existence, weather, fortune, misfortune, etc.  

  4. Speaking as a person who WAS raised without religion and having only learned about Christianity in my Social Studies class alongside Greek, Japanes, and Norse mythology, I'd say you wouldn't look at all. Frankly, until I was 14 I didn't even know people actually still believed in stuff like that anymore. It came as a real shock.

    And, truthfully, even after looking further into the matter of this whole "faith" business and the arguments for deities, I still put Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism in the same camp as Greek mythology. Any argument for God can also be used for Zeus and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  

  5. They would seek answers. They would seek meaning. They would seek the same things that religious children do except they would determine them on their own, without being told.

  6. If they were left to their own devices, chaos. That is totally different than teaching them religion. Religion is not necessary. In fact, it is fairly archaic. Morality is vital, but it can be taught with no religious influence at all. Morality can be taught using logic and common sense.

    If children were not exposed to religion in any way shape or form, I would imagine that they would seek scientific explainations for their questions, or at least the smart ones would.

  7. You can teach children morality & values without religion.

  8. Well I was taught like that and I am really conservative.. I hate how the people say that it is going to be chaotic.. I'm Atheist beotch!

    it'll be fine. I'm going to raise my kids like that they can believe what they want just I'm not going to force anything on them..

  9. hmmm...since all kinds of peoples and civilizations have worshiped gods, I would assume it's a part of human nature (if even just a little bit)

    good question!

  10. Yes, the would.

    You know that every being, living or non-living, obeys what are usually called "the laws of nature." From the Islamic perspective, these laws are Allah Almighty's own laws, which all beings have to necessarily follow.

    There is a well-known saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "Every child is born with a natural disposition (fitrah); it is only his parents that later turn him into a Jew, a Christian, or a Magian"

    Here, "the natural disposition" stands for man's instinctive awareness of God, to Whom he naturally submits. This submission is basically Islam, whereas his parents (and other similar influences) may turn him off toward religions other than Islam.

  11. I wonder also, and I think humanity in general would lose a sense of higher calling, a feeling that we have value beyond our own bodys... become like drones and the sense of value or self worth would decline becuase ... wouldent that negate our belief in souls too?

    we would have a mind set that we are robots going about our lifes without real love or fear of sinful acts.

  12. there wouldn't be any morals a lot of your morals are learned through religion if people relize it or not. most likely they would worship material things

  13. They would seek for some higher power somewhere.  We all have that emptiness in hearts and it is God shaped.  Only God can fill that void in our lives.

  14. i beleive John Lennon says it the best

    Imagine there's no heaven

    It's easy if you try

    No h**l below us

    Above us only sky

    Imagine all the people

    Living for today...

    Imagine there's no countries

    It isn't hard to do

    Nothing to kill or die for

    And no religion too

    Imagine all the people

    Living life in peace...

    You may say I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one

    I hope someday you'll join us

    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions

    I wonder if you can

    No need for greed or hunger

    A brotherhood of man

    Imagine all the people

    Sharing all the world...

    You may say I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one

    I hope someday you'll join us

    And the world will live as one

  15. I think honestly, the world would be just as it is. As it is, many children are not taught about the existence of God

    Some are of course.

    Growing up, I knew next to nothing about Jesus Christ nor was I looking to know more.

    All of that changed when He came into my life at age 28. It was He that cut across my path - the day that it happened started out like every other.

  16. We'd be 600 years ahead of where we are now.  A period known as the dark ages that lasted from the 6th to 12th century is called the dark ages for a reason.  Very little writing, art, plays or science came out of the time, and during those 600 years the church had more power then it ever had, or has had since then.  

  17. The body is the True Temple of worship, not the church. Religion has been responsible for countless atrocities committed against mankind. The world would be much better off without it. Then all we'd have no religious differences and just have obey the One Commandment we have had from the beginning, "Love one another", which is what God Wants. Maybe those who were religious would maybe get it finally.

  18. What world are you living in? That's what the world we are living in right now. Where have you been? Under a rock? Seriously.

    To elaborate, the world would go to h**l because they wouldn't be taught about love, helping others, etc....

  19. Better. They would seek answers, but if they were to hear voices in their heads, they would probably think that it was a twinge of insanity.

  20. I fear that not enough would seek after God on their own accord. Look at Communist nations such as Russia and what's going on there.

  21. I think everyone has an in born curiosity to know where they came from. We guide them in our own beliefs and they make their own choices when they grow up.

  22. anarchy anarchy

  23. The world would have been in a much more devastating state than it is today. We would have been ignorant until we probably stumble upon God's Holy Books which we would have then learn about the importance of good deeds.

  24. Then in 100 years time, the whole world would believe in another religion.. Maybe one about spongebob...

  25. Less insane, and more tolerant of others. Think about it, the only reason people follow a relgion is because their parents forced it upon them like so many christians and muslims.

    I hope not.

  26. Children who are raised by wolves believe they are wolves, for heaven's sake.  So much of "being human" is what we are taught.

  27. Yes, many would seek God, but many also wouldn't.  That world would be a sad place and I'm afraid I'm going to live long enough to see that world come into existence.

  28. My oldest daughter is raising her three sons without religion whatsoever.  They are great, well behaved children.  They've asked their parents just about every question kids will ask, except about religion.  It isn't a forbidden subject, it's just not important.

  29. many of them would probably seek Gods eventually, or the meanings to why theyre alive

  30. I believe that even if no one ever spoke about God, ppl would still sense something deep within them. A longing for something/someone. But then it would just be the same today. Ppl will either accept it, or reject it.

  31. Like h**l.

    If you don't believe me go to public school where you can no longer share the truth of Gods word any more and see what it's like.

    Our kids are hateful, violent, disrespectful hopeless.

    Our kids are not safer, better off. they have no hope only discouragement.

    Tell me how our kids lives are better since we took God out of school and life? You can't.

    That was a great idea getting God out of school

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