
What would the world be like if everyone were devoid of emotion?

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Detail would be great, I'm interested to hear your ideas!

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  1. It's difficult to explain but there is a good movie that is based on that subject. Watch Equilibrium starring Christian Bale. It's a movie about a future where freedom and emotion are illegal. They supress your feelings with.........(no spoilers, you'll have to watch) It got a 7.8 on IMDB. Basically I think it would be like in the movie with no emotion. People would not care if they could not have freedom or a wife. People would also not care about sentimental items or pieces of art that can really bring out certain emotions. The world would be grim, dark, and very boring without emotion.

  2. never happen-so no opinion.

  3. under satanic rule, thats exactly what the devil is like. I'm not trying to be different or weird, buts thats exactly what he's like. the world would be a very evil place - have you seen the new film that has just come out (well in London anyway), its called Doomsday (V.scary). not just becasue of the people that survived the virus in Scotland, but the fact that the prime minister new that some people were immune to that virus when it first broke out in Scotland, for years he new about the people that were immune, but it was not untill a few years ago when the virus broke out in England that he sought action! by that time it was too late! very evil of him - Its funny how they used a leader of a nation to portray that, if shows us that anaybody can be like that!

    and also in the film the rest of the world turned their backs on the UK, very heartless.

    its really funny how All the new films that try to predict the furture show it to be very very bleak and chaotic, theres no hope for us.

    so, your question above should not just be a question but actually a fact, because it is most likely that it will happen!

  4. It would be exactly how it was when the millions upon millions of people were murdered in the 20th century by the Materialist, Darwinist, Marxist, Communists and n***s.

    They usualy displayed no emotion while the multitudes died from, either their insane policies or assasinations ordered.

  5. think of a SUPERFICIAL communist goverment in charge of the country, they provide everything educate everyone, choose the fate of the citizens at the cost of personality, also depraving everyone of media (tv, net etc). then Everyone are suppose to follow nemerous rules.

    After that they'll habitual creatures and have nothing else to do but wake up,eat,work,eat lunch,work,go home eat,rest,sleep-until they die

  6. I think that or the word will be dead or we'll become robots!

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