
What would the world be like if men got pregnant instead of women?

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idk. i was bored today in school and that just came across my mind. lol....what do you think would be different if men got pregnant?

im talking about the economy, work force, stereotypes...stuff like that.

dont give me some long scientific answer on how that will never happen because mens bodys are different. i know! duh! im just saying 'what if?'.....




  1. "abortion would be a sacrament"

  2. Probably like a controlled chaos.

    There might be incentives for people to have children

    due to the extremely low pregnancy rate.

    Guys wouldn't want to sacrifice there appearance and

    the women would become masculine, which could be bad

    for the cosmetic industry.

    The impact of permanent legalized abortion wouldn't

    be disputed amongst law makers and church leaders.

    So what if only 60 + yr women could get pregnant..........

  3. the population would be a lot lower

  4. What if I say Heeeeeel to the NO!!!!!

    Man look ridiculous with beard, muscular arms, hairy stomache with baby inside!!!

    You show me natural man with baby inside belly!!! You show me right now!!! I'll die!!!  

  5. that's the same question we discussed in one of the classes I took a few semesters ago

  6. Where would the baby come out of??? :-/

  7. Abortion would be explicitly written into and be a constitutional right and be federally funded.

    Researchers in Sweden 15 years ago proved that they could impregnante a male gorilla by implanting female eggs in his sac, the mbilical cord attached itself and teh embryo became viable..

    Men pulled the plug on that experiment post haste  (Thankfuly)

  8. It will just be a more feminine world dominated by masuline sexualism. But otherwise the same world just in reverse and driven by the needs of the woman. As for specifics, not really sure. Maybe more feminine driven industries. umm yea

  9. Hmmm...If we go all the way back to our origins, I would assume that some men would be chosen to bear children over others, assuming that it would still require physical strength to hunt for food.  Then, there would evolve some kind of discrimination against the men chosen to raise the children, because in more ancient times, physical strength and intimidation was a huge factor in who survived and also who was considered a more valuable and powerful member of society.   Or ... an entirely different scheme is that we would have developed a more cooperative strategy for the survival of the species.  Ok, so that's a little scientific, but I steered clear of things such as men's drive to spread as much as their DNA to as many females vs. selection of a best mate by females.

    It's harder to imagine what would happen if men were the ones who got pregnant all of a sudden, since a lot of our culture is defined by historical factors rather than modern thinking.  If I wasn't at work, I would try to think about this a little longer :P  

  10. Well, our six packs would be gone, we'd probably abuse our wives cause of our emotions, and if the baby came out through our p***s hole, lord help us

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