
What would the world be like if money didn't exist?

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What would the world be like if money didn't exist?




  1. It would be a socialist utopia. My only question would be how exactly would we decide the alotments of resources.

    However without money we wouldnt have stores like walmart to go shopping at. Can't garuntee we'd have luxuries or other non-essential to life extra we have today.

  2. The world would be much nicer..that's for sure..

  3. much much better, we would still have to have Barter...but money is the root of most evil.. If we could eliminate "THE" root of all evil, we'd definatly be a lot better off....What is the root of "ALL" evil you might ask?.....


  4. barter system, but that would be a big pain. I mean I'd have to load my truck with corn or chickens or whatever and drive to the gas station or the store and trade. can you imagin the chaos at the gas station all those chickens and goats running around.

      i'd much rather carry around some paper or coins in my pocket, than a bunch of chickens. I would though very much enjoy wheeling and dealing over the price of things though, i wish more places did that.

  5. uh.....less poor people probably

  6. I think we would be in different Tribes. Like how music is separated by genre. We would be separated by our Tribes. Have to hunt our own food, make our own clothing, teach our own children, etc. It might just get like that if the economy stays the way it is. Sad to say...

  7. We'd be back to a system or bartering and trading goods.  Much more inefficient and unstandardized.  If money didn't exist, people would still demonstrate greed.  It would just be demonstrated through whatever means a society/community compensates one another.  Money isn't a bad thing in and of itself.  It's just some people's nature to get it at any cost, even at the expense of someone else.

  8. socialism

  9. A world could not exist without money. you would always need some sort of payment system to acquire things you need. Money might not always take the form of dollars and cents but there would certainly be some sort of monetary system.

  10. Do goods for services or bartering count?  

    Money is simply a paper certificate that represents something of value that a government holds in their protection.(Usually gold bullion)

    It has always fascinated me why gold is so valuable.  Can you eat it?  Can you drink it?  Can it be used to sustain life?  No.  It is a mineral in the earth that looks pretty.

    I, however, think of other things as valuable.  Water - Can't live without it.  Food - Same.  Energy - Be it oil or natural gas, doesn't matter.  If it makes energy, it is useful.

    But back to the topic.  If money did not exist, it would surely be a bartering system.  A dozen corn for 2 gallons of milk.  To me, it makes more sense than currency.

  11. Imagine-John Lennon

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