
What would the world be like if oil,coal,and natral gas were never created?

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What would the world be like if oil,coal,and natral gas were never created?




  1. it would be much much worse. the world would probably be much like it was 300 years ago.

    technology builds on itself, without coal to power the industrial revolution none of the inventions that followed would have been possible.

    our only source of energy would be wood and hydro

  2. Human beings would have had to figure out other sources of heat and power other than wood, cow dung, peat, etc.  Perhaps solar power would be much more advanced.

  3. Well, God created them for our use, and I'm sure for other purposes,

    but if they hypothetically "were never created", then we would've found to adapt around that, although I'm sure the earth itself would also have been created differently to get around that.

  4. we probobly would have pursued other sources of energy.

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