
What would the world be like if people never told lies?

by  |  earlier

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Its easier to state the truth then remember a lie. Eventually You get caught when you lie, lies need more lies, there's not any thing good about being labled a liar.

Isn't is pretty bad when the people you say you love the most are usually the ones that get lied to the most? Thats just wrong. There's nothing worse then knowing some one is telling a lie. It hurts! Then it hurts even more when you find out the truth! Or maybe not, maybe it just hurts that they lied rather then state the truth.




  1. It would be quite a bland and boring world.  It is not actually knowing the truth but rather the quest of obtaining it that lies the real adventure.

    In some situations, it is necessary to lie or distort the truth, especially when one's safety and that of their loved ones is at critical risk.

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