
What would the world be like if there was no concept of God?

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What would the world be like if there was no concept of God?




  1. perhaps much more rational

  2. Catastrophe and more suicides.

    People need something to rely and believe in when no one else does. The concept of god allows us the ability to have a stronger belief in ourselves when times are down. It kindles a dim light in a dark world which sheds a minute amount of hope. That hope can be the thin thread between choosing life and death.

  3. Life without the blinders of religion?...hmmm  We'd pursue happiness for its own sake...  The attempt to insert a non-existent purpose into human life is counterproductive to mental health and happy living because it precludes us from seeing reality with utmost clarity. An artificially imposed meaning will prevent us from dealing with Objective Reality in the most productive manner.

  4. There would not be a question with out God for nothing could exist. Only those who have not had the personal experience with the God who dwells within our consciousness can conceive of and question the existence and in the question is the very proof of my statement.

    Nothing is experienced outside of mind. Nothing is learned until it is experienced in mind.

    Only through denial can we not know that God is.

  5. Streams of betrayals and murders, we put a concept of a greater power beyond mortal grasp so that nobody is capable of tainting it. Remove that idea and all you have left is what is around you - people would try to plant themselves as omnipotent time and again until we were either extinct or found a way to be rational towards each other. Death or peace.

  6. A world where people would finally live for today

  7. A world where we weren't divided by religion. A more peaceful world since most of our wars have been over religions. More understanding and less people getting angry at me for this answer :P

  8. Even athiests are effected by the concept of God. It would be a world with less boundaries and less limits yet more reality and the concept of allusion would erode.

  9. Much like it was back in Romans time, before Christ.Idols and a lot of other bad stuff. The birth of Christ changed the world. Whether or not you believe in the Bible, You have to say that civilized  life today is good.

  10. It would probably be a lot more peaceful.  I think people in society get so caught up in their different religions and beliefs that they want to fight anybody that believes differently.  Don't take this the wrong way because God is a great thing but everyone sees it differently making it one of the most volatile issues we humans face everyday.  I wonder sometimes if we all are worshiping the same thing but just don't realize it?  Great question and great responses!

  11. It would be like gun without a bullet.

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