
What would the world be like if there was no "God"?

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I mean atheist say there is no "god", how will the world look like?

While christians would say there is a "god", how will they see the world if there was no "god"?




  1. It will look the same but people will be different. If you mean if the concept of God didn't exist, there would be no churches or temples. People would just be...

  2. I agree with Adam B

  3. it's will poewr

  4. What do you mean, "if"?

  5. look outside.

  6. Did you seriously just ask what the world would look like if there was no God to people that believe there is no God?


  7. a world without God... ouch

    I am Christian and I know without God there is no world  

  8. ” Who says there is no God? “The fool said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”—Rom. 1:21

    When you really reason on this verse, it is truly foolish to deny an intelligent and loving Creator.  How could we ever even come up with such a question unless it is somehow built in to our mind.  Man has an instinctive need to worship.The real reason we need religion is this: God exists, he made us with the need to worship and he truly wants us to worship him.—Ps. 100:2, 3  .Our very instinct for worship proves this. Evidence can also be seen in our well-designed earth. And he has revealed himself to us by means of the Bible. If you have difficulty accepting these facts, I encourage you to examine the evidence carefully.  

  9. The same.

  10. Non-existent

  11. Just like it is.

    The fact that you can't put you finger on the difference only points out that there ain't one.

  12. Like h**l.

    The people who say there is no God think this what a world without God is like because they have never experienced a world without God.

    But h**l is the only place without God. That's what makes it so bad.  

  13. Just like it looks now.  

  14. If God did not exist there wouldn't be an earth. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

    If there were no God nothing would exist.

  15. The world would not exist end of discussion.

  16. How it is now,just that you would use your own mind,not waste time and thought.

  17. The world's existence depends on God. However, if God was to totally withdraw His influence in the world it would be simply and literally  - h**l.

  18. You mean in the literal sense? Or there being no religion?

    People would just find something else.

  19. "Religion is the opium of the people."  This is probably the best-known quotation by Karl Marx, the German economist and Communist political philosopher. The origin German text, in Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, 1843 is:  Die das Opium des Volkes.

    This has been translated variously as 'religion is the opiate of the masses', 'religion is the opium of the masses' and, in a version which German scholars prefer 'religion is the opium of the people'.

    The context the phrase appears is this:  "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people."

    If (susceptible) people didn't have religion, they would find another crutch.

  20. Nonexistent.

  21. Void

  22. Seeing as there isn't, exactly the way things are now.  

  23. We would not exist

  24. Exactly as it is now, because there is no God.

  25. I'm afraid to visualize this scenario. But one thing for sure there is a God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and The Holy Spirit. If per say it wasn't, none would be able to be out of their homes for fear.

  26. American would have George W. Bush as president, oh, what?, he is?, well...I guess there IS no god.

  27. i guess if there was no God:

    there would be no justice in this world,

    we'd be mortal,

    children would be dying of hunger and disease,

    oops thats all happening already isnt it?!!

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