
What would the world be like if we were all equalised?

by Guest60658  |  earlier

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Can someone prepare a 500 word essay on What would the world be like if we were all equalized. please.




  1. ur serious that's the sort of essays you get at school in the states?

    It took Karl Marx a book, several manifestos and countless pamphlets to talk about the move towards an egalitarian society (speaking of which, "all being equalised" must be the most vague political expression I've heard). And then there's all the different theories, bakunin and lenin and stalin and mao...

    Putting it short, I think a classless Anarchist-Leninist confederation would benefit from high standards of living globally and rapid economic growth, while a Stalinist society would be a uniform, fascist régime regardless of income or class equality.

    But you might want to look up each theory (Stalinism is the furthest right and Leninism furthest left on the Marxist spectrum) and make an educated response, cos ´'m guessing the purpose of this essay was to make you regurgitate what your media tells you about "communism"

  2. Why do you need a 500 word essay?  If you want this for a school assignment, I hope your teacher knows how to use a search engine to detect academic dishonesty.

    On the topic, I think it would be awful if everybody were identical.  This idea was explored by Kurt Vonnegut in his story Harrison Bergeron and by Ira Levin in her novel This Perfect Day.

  3. hahaa! Sucks to be you! Do your OWN homework!

  4. Hey Man,

    You need to do your own homework..........

  5. It's been done a million times, and anyway the whole premise is far fetched.  You might as well ask what the world would be like if people were required to die at age 30:  We'd be living in Logan's Run, ok?  

    If you have anything relating to the real world you'd like to know about, please ask another question.

  6. We would be like North Korea or Cuba. It would suck.

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