
What would the world be like without humans?

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Imagine that people were to disappear from the world because of global warming.




  1. jurassic park

  2. Scientific American just included an article about just that.

    Ants are better farmers than we are. Mice, rats and roaches are not eradicable.  Jellyfish are getting an upper hand in the oceans. The replacement species are all available, but why would they want the job?

  3. Cockroaches take over.  They develop culture and society and finally an infrastructure that uses the renewed oil supply that resulted from the death and disintegration of 6.5 billion humans.

    The oil supply pollutes the atmosphere, cockroaches die out, only to be replaced by insects, which develop a culture and society and an infrarstructre that relies on cockroach oil and on and on... until the meteor to end all meteors does its little dance on the terrestrial surface.  if its successful, adios life, and welcome to a Maritain environment.

    Life was a nice experiment that eventually failed. But it was amusing while it lasted.

  4. If global warming wipes out humans entirely (and it's quite possible), it would wipe out many many other species, STARTING with currently endangered species. As others have said cockroaches will survive long after humans are gone. Rats will also survive longer than humans. BUT, if it gets to the point where humans are TOTALLY gone from the planet, it's quite possible the planet may be on the road to total lifelessness, a la Venus, whose atmosphere, you may recall, is one of carbon dioxide.

    IF humans were to disappear due to something miraculous, such as alien interference, pandemic or rapture, the planet would slowly, over eons, readjust to something like it was 100 thousand years ago (unless you believe it was made in 6 days). It would be a wonderful nature preserve, without tourists to visit it (except the aliens, lucky devils).

  5. Animalic in entirity.

  6. The endangered species will certainly survive. Their numbers will swell since their main "threat" a.k.a. human beings have been eliminated. It's sad but true that it's human beings who drags them to the brink of extinction directly (by hunting them down uncontrollably) and indirectly (by changing their natural environment, e.g. pollution, deforestation, and of course, global warming).

    Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the The World Conservation Union or International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List Endangered species and obtain legal protection. Many more species become extinct, or potentially will become extinct, without gaining public notice.

  7. We would return to Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest, without the manipulation introduced to the national evolution by the Industrial Revolution.

  8. We will only find out once we evolve into Aliens.

  9. there will be no war and peace will be everywere, no atom bomb scare and no hunting of animals.

  10. the monkeys will rule? imagine them carrying laptops

  11. Then no one would be around to experience the incredible heat. Just trying to stay optimistic.

  12. The world I imagine would be pretty peaceful.  But there is no proof yet that that is taking place.  It only proves that what the Bible says is true.

  13. i don't want the  world without humans.

    but  if you ask me  about that, I would like the world don't have anything, because if  the world came to older time, had a three and monkey and dinosaur something like that and it  will have evolution of human same the  present .

  14. The World would have returned to its normal state because of Global Warming,it is a natural Phenomenon that occurs through the Eons of Time.Remember the stories of the Dinosaurs.There must have been a gradual and silent pressure build up before the Almighty and Colossal explosion /earthquake.The Earth would become a normal place of  Evolution within Mother Nature.There would be more Vegetation as the growth pattern would accelerate due to the lack of human intervention.Forests would adapt and  remain fertile and seed naturally despite the dryer climate.Water would be cleaner and free of Human pollution and debris.Buildings would become decayed and fall into disrepair.They would possibly become colonized by wild breeds of animals.These animals would survive through the natural evolution of their instincts that have been almost  lost because of mans intervention .The climate would balance naturally due to the lack of  influence of Man.I would  like to  be there to see the Earth in its original Raw Beauty.

  15. if we humans are the cause of our own annihilation, why would you assume we're intelligent?

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