
What would the world be like without the human ego? Better or worse?

by Guest32749  |  earlier

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What would the world be like without the human ego? Better or worse?




  1. Worse.

    We wouldn't have made it to this point without many of our fear.

  2. Oh better, but that may just be my id speaking. Unless my super ego has snuck into the act.  

  3. worse overall.

    eliminating the ego might eliminate certain aspects of greed, vengeance and other negative human traits but what would be humanities motivation to progress?

      I think without the ego, there is no ambition. we would live in perpetual monotony where nothing ever changed, no new discoveries were ever made and nobody had much reason to care about anything.

      maybe situations wouldn't be worse but nobody would have any reason to change anything for the better either.

  4. worse , everything GOD has made in us is good ,what we do with it is are fall from grace to much anything is unbalanced

  5. Oh the world would be such a more genuine, compassionate place without the EGO getting in the way of the true self.  

    I am reading this book called, Transformers.  It deals with the struggle between the outside world ( the ego ) and the inside world ( our essence / soul ).  It goes into depth on how the world is ego based, but we all need to make a shift to become soul based to become more aware and in a state of higher consciousness.  

    I think it would definitely be a better place. We would have more people not consumed and worried about the outside appearance and the materialistic items that cannot and do not make a person who they are.  I suppose this would also mean a lot of us may be a little more financially secure as we no longer worry about the materialistic items that take away our time and attention.  There would probably be more quality relationships amongst people as people really know who they are on the inside, and want to show and share that with those they love.

    Thanks for reading!

  6. Well, great chances are that world would lack humans altogether. You choose if you think it's a good thing or not. I know my answer.

  7. The Ego is a container for things like Jealousy.. and we find that Jealousy is a driving force that once kept Cro-Magnon man's wife by his side when some other oaf would try to steal her.

    We have Jealousy in our Ego container because it has helped us keep the things we want and other useful endeavors.

    But then again, if there were no Ego then there would be no reason for an oaf to steal some Cro-Magnon man's woman.

    ... This is a difficult question. The Ego casts a shadow on humanity, really. People like the Dalai Lama suggest that we do away with the ego.

    I think the Ego is good to have because we all need to learn how to get rid of it. It's an obstacle that creates a rite of passage.

    Without it, there would be much less adventure. Everything might be boring. You need ego-created war to appreciate ego-less peace, ya know?

    Ego creates the artful contrast in life.

  8. The human ego is not the one that brings about the misery we live in. If ambition and greed are part of ego, so it is guilty. Ego is not bad. People feel good of their personalities because of their ego. In fact, I strongly believe that we are in a moment of transition based upon our changes in philosophies and concern. Our ego will allow us to move forward and clean up the one's past mess.  

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