
What would they ask you to do in volleyball tryouts?

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What would they ask you to do in volleyball tryouts?




  1. they tested to see if we could pass the ball up in the air to ourselves for a minute, but you could only pass the ball, not set it.  and then the same with setting the ball.

    they measured our vertical.

    they look at hustle: when you are asked to go get a ball, weather you run to go get or not. weather you run to go get a drink or not. and especially if, after doing conditioning (running, situps, pushups...the hard stuff), they call everyone in to the center for a "huddle"  if you run to the center, or walk.


    cheering your teem mates on! be encouraging.

    your attitude when you do something wrong: just getting pissed off at your self and not listening to what the coach says to correct you/ rolling your eyes.

    trying to do what the coach tells you to do to correct a problem (aka coachability. how easy you are to coach.)

    how fast you pick up new concepts.

    general skill/knowledge of the game.

  2. Basically everthing. They might have a few hard setting drills and passing drills. They don't really ask for serving in any of the tryouts i've been to. They will do a lot of digging drills and probably spiking. So really everything except serving.

    Always smile and don't be grouchy because they hate that. I didn't, but some people say that if you wear bright colors your more likely to get picked. (Its really just that they notice you more)

    Good luck! : )

  3. hey.

    my name is jake but i go by jacques. i am 15 and my travel team is ranked 3rd in eastern canada. so i may be able to offer some help.

    it all depened on what you are trying out for. if you are going out for setting then they will expect you to set for some of the practice wehn the go to do hitting drills. if you are a middle then you need to show that you can pass well in the back row and that you have quick feet and can think well amd make good decisions about blocking and stuff. if you are going out for power or left side then you need to be one heck of a hitter and you need to ba able to play solid d in teh back row becasue you need to get everythign that the other power hits up.

    in a try out they alwass start with either running or jsut some basic passing out of the 4 6 and 2 spots. if they say use your forarms then get ur butt down, square up and pass it. if they tell you to use your hands then you should get so it is commig jsut in fromt of your fore head and give it a nice push to the target. they may also ask you to do some hitting out of power middle and weak side, they will start with no setter and jsut toss it so that they see what you can do, then they put a setter in ad see if you can still work with the horrible stuff that they set you. when playing defence in tryouts always be on your toes because they will expect you to atleast get a touch on every ball. the tryout will probably end in a basic fun little game which doesnt matter who wins as long as you know what you are doing while you are on the floor.

    good luck to you and if you need any more help jsut e mail me at

  4. They will look for everything, if you make a mistake, don't get upset, just keep moving and show them your skills. And never assume that you made the team, I did and it made it worse.

  5. first they're probably going to tell u to start serving. they'll whatch u for about 5 minutes. then they might do a passing drill then a setting drill and prbably a hiting drill. its no biggy just relax and do wat u know how to do.

  6. everything so be prepared

  7. The above answers are correct.  I have been asked to help clubs with their tryouts since I have not been working directly with one club until this year.  

    After the group does stretching, we divided them into groups.  

    One group did physical testing.   Standing and approach jumps.  Agility drills.  Speed drills.  

    One group did serving.

    One group did passing and digging.  We had two people send the ball over the net to keep it controlled and even.

    One group did setting.  We had one person do the tossing.  One group did hitting.  Again, we had just a few setters to keep things even.

    After about 10 minutes, the groups rotated after a quick water break.  They kept rotating until they finished all of the stations.  Once they finished all of the stations, we gave them about  5 minute water break while we put together teams.  We tried to get some of the better players with the other better player, but how people look doing skills is very different how they play.  We spent the last hour having scrimmages.  We moved players around to see how they react.

  8. They'll probably do some hitting, serving, and passing drills. Maybe queen of the court or they might see how high or far you can jump.

  9. volleyball is my fav sport! All you have to do is bump the ball, set the ball, serve it, and spike it. It's really easy! But i'm 12, so your tryouts might be different. But i've been playing volleyball for 4 years, and i luv it! Hope you do to!

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