
What would they do when they're president to USA?

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what would McCain or Obama do to change the USA?




  1. Obama really has good ideas for USA but McCain says anything just to get voted but Obama has a good heart and potentials; lower health cost medical bill, raise salaries of all jobs, make insurance companies give insurances to everybody have less poor people and make more shelters for the homeless, etc.  

  2. start world war 3

  3. s***w it over even more until we have to all flee into the ocean.

  4. I think obama isnt such a bad bet he is talking about reducing taxes on the middleclass up to 95% which will resolve the problems with the credit crisis at the moment and he promises to pull the soldiers out of iraq which i think is a great thing! :]

  5. dumb obama the first black president n0000000000

  6. They won't change the USA.

    They will change the rest of the world.

  7. Obama would invade our right to make decisions (especially concerning education...homeschooling/private vs public etc.) and he would make immature decisions.

    McCain would not take away our rights, but he also would not do much of anything else either.

    Bottom line: They would both have their ups and downs, but Obama would turn this country into a socialistic mess, and McCain would pretty much do nothing. I'd rather have the latter.  

  8. Well, if Obama was president, gas prices would go up again.

  9. i agree w/ the first one

  10. Obama would tax you into poverty, just look what they are doing over in England, If McCain did nothing that would be better than high taxes, High taxation causes inflation and stagnation, we don't want to finnish up like  England.

  11. **** us all

  12. obama- he would start by dramatically spiking takes for the entrepreneurs that fuel job grow, he would appoint judges that would support abortion, he would speak unconditionally with dictators, he would add 1trillion dollars in new spending focused on government based welfare, and he would bar the drilling of american oil.

    Mccain-lower taxes, cut welfare spending, use aggressive measures to fight terrorism, appointing judges to oppose abortion, and promote the drilling of american oil and promote investment in renewable enegy

  13. Nothing that they have promised us. A bunch of new stuff we conveniently never heard about.

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