
What would this child be like later in life?

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If their mother told them all their life that they were an ugly baby. All their life their mother told them that they were fat, not cute, had ugly hair, dressed ugly. All their life their mother would point out people who looked the opposite of their child and say how good looking that person was. Like if the child was brunette with curls the mother would point to blondes with straight hair all the time and say how gorgeous they were. If the child had brown eyes the mother would point out blue eyed people.

How does this affect a person when they become adults?




  1. Ignore Sessy..There are mothers that would do that.

    The child would obviously have low self-esteem and doubt as an adult. She may be attracted to the "wrong" friends and boyfriends/girlfriends.  She would unconsciously seek out people who resemble  her mother.  She wouldn't believe anybody that would say they're pretty and shy away from them, because their mother conditioned them to think they're not good enough.  Everytime someone tells her she's pretty, she would probably think "Then why did my mom tell me I'm ugly?"

    She is a victim of verbal abuse and may contine to be one when it comes to dating and marriage. She needs to rebuild a sense of worth or confidence that their mother didn't give them.

  2. very interesting question. If the mother was basically the only person the child ever interacted with then I would suspect the child to grow up to be a shy, quite, self loathing creature who put herself down on a daily basis, afraid to take chances all the while becoming an underachiever and a codependent involving themselves in one abusive relationship after another. Or the child could become self loathing to the point where they spend their life trying to forever make themselves into what they think of as a normal person, complete with an eating disorder, change of hair color, permed hair, colored contacts and if money allowed maybe even plastic surgery. The child, I believe, would still become a codependent in an abusive relationship and may become so depressed and self hating that suicide would not be out of the ordinary.

    However, children have proved time and again to be very resilient and if there are other adults in the child's life that do not share the mothers abusive nature the child may very well grow into a normal, self respecting, productive member of society.

  3. It could possibly lower the child's self-esteem may cause depression. Lack of self-respect. It is really hard to tell because a human mind is so complex but if you think about it it's also very weak. Minor things can ruin the brain the kid may be unaffected the child could possibly turn out anyway. From a passionate Saint to..well a Mass Murder of all Straight Hair Blondes (Reverse Hitler?)

  4. Low self esteem

  5. what a mean mother! I wouldnt be surprised if this child grew up and butchered the world with a kitchen knife!

  6. What mother would do that?

  7. it all depends about their personality. They would probably have very low self esteem because of this, or it could cause them to be very angry with their mother and realuise that her behaviour was wrong and that she IS beautiful.

    I hope that the person in this story has the confidence to know that their mother was wrong and that they are able to voercome it.

  8. My grandmother really screwed up my mom by treating her this way. Now my mom thinks that all her happiness should be based on other people's perceptions of her.

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