
What would this learning disability be called?

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I am in high school and have been tested for learning problems, which I do have. I have a slower processing speed that is most of it. However, I am very strong in comprehension. I understand things very easily (written wise, not mathematics) but I forget what I read after a while. I love to read books and I read all the time but the problem is once I move on to another book or even if I don't read for a few days I totally forget what I read, well not everything I mean I don't remember specifics, but sometimes I am left with the sense of the idea and the meaning but than the longer I don't think about it I will completely forget it. Is this normal to forget what you read after a few days?




  1. online degree-

  2. In general, the rule is "Use it or lose it."  If you want to retain the information you're reading longer, use it regularly.  Tell others about what you've read.  Write a report.  Find someone  else who's read the same thing (or ask someone to) and then talk about it together.  

    In answer to your second question: It is normal.  It's common to forget many of the details you've read after a few days.  Particularly if you're talking about a longer piece.  However, if you're losing everything but a sense of the story, then you there may be trouble moving the information from working to long term memory.  Fortunately, doing what I suggested in the first paragraph will work wonders on that.

  3. I was in special education since 3rd grade and alot of it is that some of it doesn't make sense for me it was and I just finnaly got diagnosed correctly I am now 20 and it is very dificult to remember stuff it is very hard and a struggle just keep going and remember it is just a lable and nothing else

  4. Why do you want to have a learning disability? Its totally normal to forget things that are not on your mind constantly. Have you ever heard the phrase- you lose it if you dont use it?

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