
What would this person's heritage be???

by  |  earlier

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HE WAS CAUCASIAN, that is important

he had light brown hair, blue eyes, and a medium complexion, and most of the other people in his family had a dark complexion.

his dad had black hair, gray eyes, and a dark complexion

his mom died

his sister had blonde hair, blue eyes, fair complexion and was a beauty queen

his brother had black hair, hazel eyes, and a dark complexion




  1. Ha.

    If you happened to have watched the women's gymnastics... the Gold medal was for America, but was born in Moscow.  Silver medal, born in Iowa, but her coach is from China. And there is dispute about the Chinese girls being old enough.

    Moral of the story is that you CANNOT make assumptions, by appearance or anything else.

    His heritage is based on where his ancestors came from.  Nothing in what you write, tells anyone anything.


    My answer makes more sense than you realize. Appearance DOES NOT indicate where someone's ancestry is from, especially if they are "caucasian". That can be anywhere in the world.  What you are doing is trying to guess something, which is completely contrary to what genealogy does.  Genealogy works on records and proof.

  2. Probably Heinz 57 or a little of everything.

  3. Obvious! He was a Swiss, his mother a Finn. That's where the sister got her blonde good looks.


    Added afterwards:

    Wendy C wrote "you CANNOT make assumptions . . ."

    Sure you can! Didn't they teach you creative writing in high school? The assumptions will be false; hilariously false, in my case, but you can make them. Take a slug of whatever you're drinking that night and fire away. Foolish questions deserve funny answers. As you can see from the additional comments in the question, you can't teach a pig to whistle; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

  4. Wendy is 100% right and you know nothing about this type of thing.  Some of us have been studying genealogy for many years, including Wendy, and know this to be so.  What you are saying is wrong, and your inability accept the right answer from someone well experienced and knowledgeable in this area shows your ignorance.

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