
What would u ask the Pope if u could meet him for a friendly cup of cocoa?

by Guest57767  |  earlier

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Pope Benedict Makes First Visit to US


Posted: 2008-04-15 22:01:28

Filed Under: Nation News

ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, Md. (April 15) - Pope Benedict XVI stepped onto U.S. soil for the time as pontiff Tuesday, arriving to a presidential handshake and wild cheering only hours after he admitted that he is "deeply ashamed" of the clergy s*x abuse scandal that has devastated the American church.

Benedict gave hundreds of spectators a two-handed wave as he stepped off a special Alitalia airliner that brought him from Rome. Students from a local Catholic school screamed ecstatically when they saw the pope, who shook hands warmly with President Bush, first lady Laura Bush and their daughter Jenna on the tarmac.

Hundreds of onlookers, some from local Roman Catholic parishes, clapped and shouted as they watched the scene from nearby bleachers.

Benedict tackled the most painful issue facing the U.S. Catholic Church — clergy s*x abuse — on his flight to America. The U.S. church has paid out $2 billion in abuse costs since 1950, most of that in just the last six years.

Seemingly in a nod to his American flock, the pope spoke in English as he answered questions submitted in advance by reporters.

"It is a great suffering for the church in the United States and for the church in general and for me personally that this could happen," Benedict said. "It is difficult for me to understand how it was possible that priests betray in this way their mission ... to these children."

"I am deeply ashamed, and we will do what is possible so this cannot happen again in the future," the pope said.




  1. Actually, the Pope was recently in New York and I actually not-on-purposely ran into him... twice, both when I was walking my dog. Although he was surrounded by policemen, when I saw him first I managed to yell out "How do ya like it here in America, Pope Benedict?" And to my great great great surprise he responded. He simply said "America has really been lovely," and then he turned and started walking or whatever he was doing again.

    I probably should have asked him something.... deeper or more important, I guess, but that's my story.

  2. I wouldnt say anything. Just absorb the good vibes

  3. I'd ask him if he ever had an alter boy?

  4. Ask him his thoughts on the future of the Catholic church.

  5. Where is the three blind mice?

    Who took the bites off the cheese.

    With Rome burning out there.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  6. I wouldn't talk to him as much as I would criticize him. I am fuming with rage at the utter temerity of this Pope to speak about morals, when during his reign as a high ranking cardinal and confidant to Pope John Paul the II, he was complicit in the global s*x scandal that has damaged so many children. He wins the prize for being one of the biggest religious hypocrites, and trust me, there are plenty of competitors for that title.

    As far as his comments about how our country’s secular tradition has led to such “immoral” actions as abortions, divorce, and cohabitation, why doesn’t he exercise fair and balanced judgment by also describing the reality of life under governmental systems that where influenced by his own denomination? Mmm…let’s see, when the Catholic Church and its “Christian values” permeated the political landscape of Europe, millions were massacred in the Crusades, and a multitude of Europeans were slaughtered in the Inquisition, and there was a virtual annihilation of entire populations native to the Americas.

    Given that under the Catholic Church, the worst of genocidal incidents in history took place, and that in the 20th century the Catholic Church failed to impart moral values to an Austrian Catholic artist by the name of Hitler, so that he wouldn’t kill millions, and furthermore, the Catholic Church looked the other way when he did, or how their Russian Orthodox colleagues couldn’t tame the blood thirst of one of their seminary students, named Stalin, who massacred even more people than Hitler – well it would seem to me that Christian influence on culture leads to greater immorality than a world without such influence.

    I would rather have a few early trimester abortions, where a human being’s personhood is debatable, and I would rather have divorce and cohabitation, than all the bloodshed that Christian "MORALITY" has offered mankind for so long.

    Speaking of the hypocrisy of Pope Benedict, you really need to watch this 3-minute clip that Bill Maher did, on April 11th, about Pope Benedict and his hypocrisy. It was funny and disconcerting all at the same time, because it is so true.

  7. Would you Your Eminence be interested in helping me spread "The Word" to the younger set? I need USD10 million to kickstart the project... mm?"

  8. I'll ask him to give me for a week full access to the Vatican archives.

  9. i would ask him why as Gods supposed representative on earth,he can condone the fact that not one of the priests,bishops,or cardinals involved in either the abuse,or the cover up of the abuse,has lost rank,or title within the catholic church

  10. I'd ask him how it feels to be worshiped like a god on earth, when he's just a sinner like the rest of us with no more Holiness than me?

  11. SIMPLE:

    Hows the Cocoa?? Are you having a nice visit here in the US?

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