
What would u do if sep 11 happens again?

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What would u do if sep 11 happens again?




  1. I'd be as apathetic as I already am about the s h i t that goes on in the name of a false god.

    Stuff on this scale, be it a natural disaster or war, happens all the time around the world, it just doesn't get American media coverage because the rest of the world isn't as important as the US. I am being sarcastic, of course.

  2. kill myself

  3. 9/11 won't happen again. but something on the same scale will, undoubtedly...its just a matter of when. i'm placing my bets on before bush leaves office, something of that nature will possibly happen again, on american soil...something to incited a state of national emergency so that all the measures he has been taking since 9/11 will have a purpose. thats just my opinion though.

    and if/when something like that happens again...there will be nothing anyone can do, and there will be no anticipating it, just like 9/11...

    all you can do is hope it doesn't happen to you or those you love and

  4. It happens every year.

  5. i didn't do anything last time, so i'd probably do nothing this time too... i mean what CAN i do?

  6. yeah , first bush would be assassinated....i hate to say it but what can you say..nobody likes him!

    then i think us americans would fly down to the middle east ourselves and blow up their sorry azz country but get all of the innocent people first...there's no war if theres nobody to fight....

  7. it won't, the US has implemented measures to prevent it

  8. Assassinate bush

  9. Since it happens every year, I'd throw myself a birthday party.

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