
What would u do if there is a zombie outbreak (the 28 days later type)?

by  |  earlier

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I would be like "we cant survive with these monsters anyways, so why dont we have fun before we die?" and gather everyone around me explain to them what;s going on and my plan, then collect the people who agreed with me and we look for anything to use as a weapon! a knife, a bat, a stick, a brick, a bow, anything~~! then we wait in a group until the zombies comes and we run outside with 300 style! and we have a death match with them zombies!! if we are alot we would survive since they can only bite us and we wont die instantly with 1 bite, but we can kill them instantly if we break their necks! so the result would be a bit easier, if we're lucky and we eliminated the zombies, and we have a few survivors, they would kill the ones who got infected during the fight off and live on! Fun huh? die anyways so why dont we have fun?! at least we tried! so what's your plan for a zombie outbreak?!




  1. well im a follower not a leader, so im just going to go crowd surfing in a crowded of zombies and become one of them.

    Besides, once i get killed it wont hurt as much....i think.

  2. Go further up the mountain where it's hard to reach with lots of food, fuel and ammo.

    Likely they'll starve themselves to death before they get to us.

    Oh, and I'm NOT moving to a city center just cause some government goons say it's over - i saw 28 Weeks Later as well.  I'll stay up the mountain.

  3. You know, I actually spend a lot of time thinking about this every time I see a zombie type movie, be it anything by Romero, or even "I am Legend."

    It is fascinating to wonder how  you would truly react.  The real answer isn't how many guns you have, but what you would really do to survive.  Where would you go right now if the **** hit the fan?  Is there a safe place close to where you are right now that you could use to bunker down and make a plan?  What would you do for supplies?  Would you honestly be able to make it past the first few hours, or does that part just boil down to luck?

    Great question.

    As for me, my reaction really depends on where I am.  If I can help to protect the people around me, I will.  But my first priority is establishing a safe place for me and those who make it through the first few days.  To survive for any period of time would take a group effort to begin producing food and establishing some kind of security.  I figure if you can make it a few years, the zombies will probably have died off .

  4. i would find a plane, try and get all the people who arnt zombies, then get alot of gas or alcohol, or what liquid that will light on fire, then get someone who can fly a plane, to fly the plane up then i'll be pouring all the flamable liquids down from the sky to the ground then some how before put a bomb where all the zombies are, then fly away to safetly, wait i would have to lure all the zombies to near the bomb location. then i would press the button that will set off the bomb, then yeh there would be a few zombies left, but it should be easy to kill them. ahaha i know my plan has a alot of flaws in it.

  5. well the true asence of a zombie is said to be the "living dead". so killing them wont work. they are already dead. and think about this folks, if your a living person and they are a dead person who do you think would win in a race?

    just walking would be faster then their running.

    well unless your fat. then my advice is to put down the wopper and walk away slowly.

    get the zombies into a corner then blast them with a flamethrower.

    problem solved.


  7. I got a Rock River M4 with a foregrip, bipod, laser sight, ACOG and a dual drum that holds 160 rounds.  I would have some fun picking the zombies off.

  8. i would do the sam eexcept i would add in sum guns and explosives and amushes and booby traps ect.

  9. I have made 20 new friends- they are all very slow. That's so the zombies get them first. I have a ladder and guns to shoot them in their heads and eyes. If all that fails then I'm just going to make friends with them and invite them over for a swim and a dip in the hot tub.  =)

  10. Dwell in cave systems.

  11. wow for years Ive always been thinking and i would do what you did but more of a call them and tell them get weapons to kill and tell them where to meet and i give them signal when to burst out and fight tell them to get their friends and attack omg i wish that would be fun my dad has a sniper and my house is like the middle of a street so its like break window and *click**click* bang!!!! yea sweet.

  12. i have the zombie guide book I'll be OK  !!! lol

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