
What would u do if ur boyfriend partied all night......?

by  |  earlier

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( not to mention keeping u up at all hrs of the night also) and slept all day while u worked, Would u dump him?

This ones for u cherrybomb....




  1. I would start packing his things and that's no joke.

  2. personally id dump him.

    why should you work and then have him spend your hard earnt money?

  3. stop being so uptight...forget about "income"...lifes too short...PARTY!!! lower your expectations and your life will be so much easier..."f**k IT" is my motto.

  4. how about you stop being lame and join him!!

  5. I would cry because that would mean I'm 'g*y'..

    it would be like puberty re-visited..

    *hold me I'm confused*

  6. If he's not sharing in the expenses (rent, groceries, phone bill, gas, etc.) and sharing with the housework, I'd put his stuff out on the lawn and change the locks.

    Unless, of course, the two of you had previously agreed to this arrangement of you being sole economic which case, if he's not doing most of the housekeeping (cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping -- and letting you get your much needed sleep), well, back to the lawn with his stuff.

    You don't need this!

  7. i would let him sleep.....then talk to him i guess

  8. Cherry you want me and Charlotte to get this?  Say the word baby girl, I'm good at "problem solving"...

  9. i would so dump him nothing worst then a loser guy omg i hate those  

  10. sounds like a big looooser

    dump him

  11. Yes, if the situation could not be resolved to my satisfaction.  Why doesn't he have a job?   He wouldn't be partying all night and sleeping all day if he had a job.  Yes, I would dump him.

  12. Yes......I would.

    I wouldn't date a guy who didn't work!

  13. In a box to the left....everyone now!!!

    You can be miserable all by yourself!  

  14. I would dump him. Obviously he doesn't have any respect for his girlfriend. People that like to play all night and sleep all day should live with other people that keep those hours. I would make as much noise ALL day long as possible to get even. Call in sick then run the vacuum, use the blonder to make smoothies all day, invite your loudest friends over to disturb his sleep, test the smoke alarms, pound nails into the walls to hang art, etc.

  15. Give him an ultimatum.... he needs to get a job.

  16. Get rid of him, what a loser!  

  17. if i were a girl, YEAH!

  18. i would

  19. definitely lose him. He sounds like a loser.

  20. Sounds like a real loser... I'd definitely dump him. He obviously doesn't care for your feelings (since you talked to him) and he doesn't work???!!!  Definitely dump him! Why would you support someone who should be contributing equally to your relationship!  You obviously care more than he does. I'd dump the loser and find someone who'd appreciate me and take care of me like I deserve :)

    good luck

  21. Why would i care what he does? I pay my own bills so it wouldn't matter.

    And why would i care if he has fun without me? I am certain there would be times that i wanted to do things without his company. Who cares?

    If he is jobless for a short time (as happens to A LOT of people nowadays) then i wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Though i would tell him to take the party someplace else so i could get some sleep. (I am very funny about my sleep seeing as how i don't get enough of it). BUT if he made it a habit to party all the time and never work, well ..... he wouldn't be my boyfriend.

    I've never once had a boyfriend pay my bills, and i would never expect one to.That's just lazy and irresponsible. But he would definitley have to have a job. If i have to bust my A-ss, and work like a horse to make ends meet, then so does he. It's the principle.



  22. Cherybomb should move her fine *** in with me.  The only all night party will be in my pants.  

  23. probally but id talf to him about him first

  24. I'm moving in with my pimp, dammit!!

    Done, PCB, as long as we live on the beach and run around naked...

    I found a whole bottle of Vodka in the freezer when I got up this morning and I took it with me... drinks anyone??

    I see my haters have stopped by to give me a nice thumbs down... love you, too!!!

  25. First of all I wouldn't live with a partner--never have; never will.  Incomes should always be kept separate and each person should maintain him or herself without economic help from the outside (that includes the govt.).    

  26. I do not think anyone should tell you to dump him. That is up to you. I do however think if he is allowed to do it he will continue to do it. If you voiced your concerns and he has no respect for your wishes, then it most likely not good. Try reflecting on is it worth it to you to live that way? Do you really love him or is it more important to tame him? I would seriously look at him and debate on if he is a forever man, capable of fathering and caring for a child? If not I would most definitely change the relationship. If you both have two different outlooks on the future I think it is a waste of now.

  27. I'ma get Cowbell and we're gonna take hisassss out in the woods . . .and have a word or two with him in private.  Ã¢Â™Â¥

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