
What would u do to make one day the most perfect day of your life?

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You have all the money in the world to do what ever you want..from morning till night?




  1. Just spend uninterrupted time with my children.  

  2. I would buy my own private island and buy a bunch of big business's so I can keep making money all the time lol oh yeah and buy my favorite muscle cars.

  3. If I've all the money in the world, the first thing I'd do is to buy the whole of Europe and plant trees wherever possible there. Then, I'd return back the money to the rightful ones after buying an island for me and rest there in peace.

    PS - Amy M, are you Zimbabwean? Don't worry, that pest of Mugabe will soon be resting in his own pit. Bye.

  4. invite my family and friends. oh dont forget celebs.

  5. I liked the part in 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance',  where the major character says if you want to paint a perfect picture first make yourself perfect then paint away.

    I have  found days that are billed as perfect rarely are as too much is hanging on them and I am not perfect.

    When I try to play this game I just get flies in the ointment -Leonard Cohen wouldn't be so natural if I paid for his company - etc. so I'll stick with a day in a sunny place meditation centre massage and healing nice walk and simplicity.  

  6. look after handicap kids in care house

  7. Before I indulge myself in some fanciful thoughts and start dreaming about a world of perfect bliss, all full of joy, delight and comfort, with each moment a moment of perfect peace and happiness, liveable to the full, assuring for its present and at the same time promising for its future, let me remind you, let me tell you that the concept of imperfection in the mind is what stands right against that of imperfection. For if I attempt to see my life as perfect, then, being it being life as it normally is, I will also see imperfections, and everything more imperfect than normal, as when I will seek all things to be prefect. Your question, however, despite its hinging upon the word ‘perfect’, is valid, as it does invite us to think of the ways of improvement.

    I think true perfection is to be found within the normalities of life in general, in its realities, and thereupon, also in our ability to live normally despite our love for idealism.

    I think all people, their places and things, can be seen as perfect long as they are seen through their right reasons and use. The place prefect is the place right in the middle of all this, in the middle of life. A prefect life is a life that one could sensibility, happily and sustainability lead. This I think is the underpinning philosophy to use as guidance while trying to construct a ‘perfect’ day of my life.

    To do this should be simple if is it has to be any good. It has to be at least as simple as its philosophy is sophisticated. So, this is what I would do to make my day a perfect day:

    I would get up early in the morning, and then after some light breakfast, would sit down and carefully plan for the day ahead. I will think carefully, realistically and sensibly as how would I like to spend the day at hand, while making sure at the same time that what I aim for my day is slightly better than my yesterday, is reassuring for now, and is also promising for the day that is to come. Then once all things nicely mapped out, I will set out to turn it into a reality. I would know by doing this that I have live the day that I have had, that I will be able to happily own up to by the evening – perfect, or imperfect, in the eyes of the world, the day has undoubtedly been mine!

  8. Perfect Day... that's the day when it's announced that a cure for cancer has been found !

    As for money.. all the money in the world can't give you health, it can only help to provide the medical and scientific equipment needed to fight this terrible illness.

    Caramac x

  9. I'd like to meet the real love and feel my heartbeats for somebody I'll love for all my life..

    Too much romantic? ;-)

    Bye! ^_^

  10. I would bring back the man I loved who died in January 2007. That would be the perfect day for me as I miss him so much :-(

  11. I would fly to Alaska and find wilderness that hasn't been touched by mankind and enjoy the silence of nature.

  12. Donate money to charity, get Mugabe out of Zimbabwe peacefully, and have all my favourite bands playing live for me to raise more money to donate to worthy causes, and then at the end, buy a gun and shoot myself.

  13. For a start I would like to wake up some place exotic and warm, wake up and look out onto a sandy beach and azure sea... with Lily my dog next to me. Take her out along the beach for a little run and romp. Get home and see my sister waiting for me. We would sit and chill, having cups of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee... go for a leisurely horse ride, exploring... I would then go shopping... kitting myself out with some nice new clothes, get myself a haircut, restyle etc. Have a Thai massage, manicure, pedicure and general pampering.... I would like to go somewhere so exquisitely beautiful it takes my breath away.... and watch the sunsetting.  

  14. Sleep all day works.

  15. h**l have Pink sing to me then.

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