
What would u have done if u were me?

by  |  earlier

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I was waiting for my friend outside a public toilet (it was an emergency for her and i hate public toilets.. yuckz)

Anyway, this woman in 40s (well dressed by the way) came by and said.. "young lady, would u mind holding this plastic bag for a while ... it has food in it and i dont want to bring it in the toilet"... smt like that...

So i jus took it from her... what harm can it do rite?...

well within mins, the woman came out and took the bag and said thank you and left.

But that incident got me thinking.. I mean... i didnt know what that plastic bag contained... it could have been some drug or some illigal stuff or bomb or smt like that...

Do u think it was right of me helping the lady?....

Where do u draw the line between being helpful and helping ppl & getting urself in danger?




  1. lol it was only a plastic bag, i would not have thought twice about saying yes and holding it for her, i dont know where to draw the line to be honest though.

  2. I do take your point but actually it was just a carrier bag, she was just going to the loo, and she did come back quickly and take the bag from you.  Of course it is okay to be helpful in those situations.  I think we are all getting far too concerned with what might be as opposed to what is - we shouldnt stop helping people because we happen to live in a climate where everyone is a suspected terrorist!  It was very nice of you to help and I am sure she appreciated the gesture.

    So well done you.

  3. I would not have been threatened by the request, but I would have been a bit taken aback.  I probably would have told her "I'm just about to leave, so i really can't help you out right now.  Sorry."

    The lady was a bit presumptuous to assume that you'd feel comfortable holding her bag!

  4. O.K. in situations like this you just have to make a judgement call in your mind.  Obviously, this situation was legit - who would want to take food into a public loo?  What I would have said is sure - just put it down and I'll keep an eye on it.  But you can usually sense when someone or the situation is unsavoury.  Trust your intuition - I promise you it won't let you down!

  5. I would have held it for her, what was she gonna do find an escape hatch out the back of the stall or lounge? heh heh, set you up, being chased by the swat team, I think you might have seen that coming,

    but to not want to bring food in a toilet?

    shoot if she was wanted by the cops and hiding, wouldn't the cops know that was her and not you they were looking for?

    this gets an interesting for the fun aspect of it.

  6. You did good! That's a star for you for the day.

    I think most people are so paranoid these days. How about this - I was at an airport in Istanbul. A guy approached me and asked if I would take a bag to Bishkek for him. The lights went off of course, but the police did nothing.

    See... there are different levels of awareness and being paranoid. You chose to be the better person. Nice job!

  7. yes - if you felt it was OK - anyway you could always check in the bag. but if someone asks you &you don't feel right about it or the person seems unstraightforward, best to refuse with some excuse. better safe than sorry!

  8. More importantly, did she wash her hands before coming out and taking the bag from you.

    You must have touched hands, if only for a second or two. That is more important to me than the contents of the bag! I would have refused to take the bag.

  9. You can't live your life in fear of everyone and everything.  You did a good deed.

  10. I think you're thinking too much into it. Unless you have a gut feeling that there's something wrong or you just plain don't wanna do it then it should be fine. Treat others how you would want to be treated. I'm sure you would want someone to hold your food too right? So good for you for helping her out. :-)

  11. I always expect the best of people and would have held the bag for her as well.  Follow your instincts, if you get a bad feeling from the person than dont do it.

  12. I think it's sad that we even need to think about things like this... but the reality is that we do.

    Certainly in an airport I would not have taken the bag, or anything else, even if it did look like a plastic bag of groceries, not because of explosives but rather because of the other things that people get caught with in airports, but at the same time I think kindness and care and treating people well and with respect is what we all should be doing, and under the circumstances I would have done what you did.

    Each situation will be slightly different and it is a good idea to develop judgement. But, always always always....if in any doubt, rather be rude than put yourself or anybody else in danger.

  13. I would have eaten the 3 chicken nuggets that were undoubtedly in the bottom of the bag. Don't drop the sacred fry!!!! Gua gua!

  14. Rainbow..your thinking way too much into this OMG, don't you have things to do with your day?  I am sure the bag had food in it for goodness sakes.  I don't think she would hand you a bag full of dope just to use the toilet.  She was sorta stupid to give you the bag worried about the toilet, you could of spit in it!  With that being said, no matter how pretty or smart someone can't judge a book by it's cover.

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