
What would u like to dip in my bowl of hot fudge?

by  |  earlier

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What would u like to dip in my bowl of hot fudge?




  1. Strawberries - YUM -

    LOL - if you were a man - I would dip you. But you are obviously all woman so I will just dip my strawberries.

    Hugs sugar,


  2. my tongue..heehee ^_^

  3. My big hot honeycomb stick

  4. carrots

  5. crushed nuts

  6. meh errgh aargh ah alright then , i've already had breakfast but I'll have a spoonful oh yes I might just.

  7. id like my hot fudge on my icecream.  please

  8. my marshmallows

  9. salty balls

  10. An apple would be awesome!♥

  11. Uh, *shakes head* I'll just go with my finger...

  12. ummmm I will be nice I'll just get some ice cream and ill pour the fudge all over.  

  13. my galaxy icecream

  14. my face x  

  15. Banana, or Strawberries!!  hmmm yummy!

  16. strawberries

  17. Strawberries.

  18. Nothing. I'm suspicious when strangers start to offer free fudge!

  19. It's just fun thinking about it, I'll get back to you when I figure out which of the many things it could be. Thanks for planting the thought!

  20. strawberries!

  21. lol, u r not serious are you!

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