
What would u prefer being a zoologist,zookeeper,fbi cheif,or working at aquarium?

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What would u prefer being a zoologist,zookeeper,fbi cheif,or working at aquarium?




  1. working at an aquarium. i love fishes!

  2. why does that interest you?

  3. i'd love to be an FBI Agent! i love the energy of investigating crimes/ syndicates, and be able to nail the crooks.

  4. Having worked a The Birmingham Zoo I can say that is a very interesting job.  However, most local zoos can't offer a high salary for the work involved.  Often, people work there because they like working with the animalia.  Same thing for an aquarium.

    As for FBI Director that would be a difficult job to obtain.  In addition to a college education, to work as a Federal agent requires several years of work in law enforcement.  The hardest part would be enduring the many hours of study at the FBI training facility and passing the extensive background checks.  Persons with felony convictions may not hold any Federal job.  There are also certain height/weight requirements for agents.  There may be age restrictions too.  Check it out at WWW.FBI.GOV

  5. If you are considering career choices, you should contact people who work in some of those areas (a local zoo or aquarium, for example) and ask if you can interview them about their job or come "shadow" them for a day. Or you could even ask if there is an unpaid internship or job you can do on a part-time basis. You will know for sure if it's something you want to pursue, and then you won't waste any time in college studying something you don't wind up doing. Plus, this kind of initiative will look great on a resume when it does come time to landing your dream job. Also you'll have made contacts in the industry you hope to work in. Good luck!

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