
What would u think if I told you this?

by Guest32816  |  earlier

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I have bad asthma that has been acting up a lot. I'm generally a shy, quiet person so I usually don't reveal much. But I opened up to a friend in an email. I told them that I've been trying to keep a clear head but I still struggle a lot with trying to handle what's happening to me because it's frustrating and frightening, especially since no one truly understands what I'm experiencing. I also said that I was thinking of writing poetry about my attacks as a creative outlet, but I'm not sure if I want to revisit those vulnerable places.

I'm very insecure about opening up to people, so if I told you all of this, what would u think?




  1. I think you should try new things and get to now this online person bettern just dont get to invold with the friend oyuu need to try to talk to family members i think this is a very commen thing for girls to go throught at an older age.

  2. nothing

  3. i would think it was a very positive move

    you are using a negative aspect and turning it into a positive one

  4. i think that you should find a positive outlet. let it all out. dont keep things built up inside-its not healthy. Poetry sounds perfect.... there's always a therapist. I used one for a good 6 months and then I was good. Haven't seen her since.

    You sound like a great person.

    good luck to you in whatever it is you plan to do!

  5. I think you need to try and move on from things and live a normal life as much as possible, my little son is a severe asthmatic and is on a heck of alot of daily madication and inhalors despite his age. I would not want him to put his life on hold because of it.

    If you feel happier then write down how you feel and your fears etc.

  6. I would think that you're very brave. But you must try to stop focusing on only this one aspect of your life. Each one of us has problems. If we give so much attention to our hindrances,how will we enjoy the good part of our lives?

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