
What would u think is the problem when an xbox 360 jst say unplayable disc?

by Guest60355  |  earlier

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every disc ive put into the tray has got the same response. please help if there are any solutions.




  1. sounds like your dvd drive is going.  Also make sure the disc isnt scratched to high h**l and back.  what helps me is get a can of compressed air and shoot a few shots into the drive.  The object is to knock loose any dust and whatnot off the lens of the laser

  2. get it fixed. mine had the same problem. just send it into the repairs and twiddle your thumbs  

  3. i had the same prob with a backward compatible game. it means the disk is damaged enough where it cant work. u can either use those disc repair things some game stores sell or have return it.

  4. It could be any number of things from the wires sending the signal from the drive to the lazer reader itself. Call 1800-4MY-XBOX (1800-469-9269)and they'll tell you more about your problem.

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