
What would upset you more???

by  |  earlier

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finding out your child is or has gotten someone pregnant? or that they're homosexual?




  1. i would be more upset if they got someone pregnant or are pregnant. because thats something that theyy could control. being g*y is not something that is controlled.  

  2. I would take pregnant. I dont think being g*y would bother me. Either one would not bother me so much and hearing that they have something cause they slept with someone and were not careful.  

  3. I would say finding out your child has gotten pregnant or has impregnated someone (if they are under 18)

  4. uhh i would say if they got someone pregnant or if they are pregnant  yuo could always work out a way to stop homo  

  5. The pregnant thing would make me more upset than being homosexual.  

  6. That they are homo - no grandkids!

  7. Homosexual both would be very upsetting though

  8. pregnant

  9. that they got a homosexual pregnant

  10. Well neither are as bad as an STD or death.

    The other 2 you can deal with.

    Be happy for that.  

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