
What would we do if everybody on the face of the planet was g*y?

by Guest63745  |  earlier

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I am sick and tired of the argument that the human race would die out if everybody was g*y. Certainly, we g*y people would be smart enough to continue the species one way or another. We must prove that we are more intelligent than this nonsense. So, if you were put in charge of an entirely g*y human race, how would you manage the reproduction of the species?




  1. There would be plenty of g*y women for me to chose from.

  2. sperm banks dude i wont have a p***s inside me

  3. I'm sure there would end up being a straight minority... ha ha

  4. i would make the men live on one side of the world and the women on the other and i would be the only man on the same side as the women.

  5. Sperm banks and adoption. im sure some lesbians would want children. and im sure some would be friends with g*y men who wanted children, so sperm donations as well. we'd live. and there wouldnt be the problem of overpopulation.  

  6. just because a woman is L*****n doesn't mean her maternal instincts are automatically shut off. some women crave to have children especially around the time when their biological clock is ticking.

    so yeah.. i'm sure the lesbians will rape the g*y guys to knocked up lmao.. it's all in good humor though

  7. id say thtd be asome lol nd yea ppl r stupid god its jus bc there livving in the old generation thy dont c wats in front of us  

  8. !!! P-A-R-T-Y !!!! P-A-R-T-Y !!!! P-A-R-T-Y !!!! (Answer to the main question)

    Artificial insemination (Answer to the detailed question)

  9. What would we do? Before or after we finally have a global celebration of world peace? As far as reproduction goes, we'd find a way.

  10. I would think all g*y people who want to have children would find a way to have children. In fact, many civilization adopted the idea of a society that takes care of each other. It takes a village to raise a child. Yes we are smart enough and more educated because of years of being denied the opportunity to have a family. We are called 'Family' for a reason. We take care of each other and understand the importances of belonging and having a family within a diverse society. I would think nobody would have to be in charge as we already do know how to manage the reproduction of the species.

  11. well when u think about it, it's actually a wonderful concept. artificial insemination could be used for reproduction, and in that, the rate of homeless children would dramatically drecrease if not cesease all together, seeing as every child that was brought into the world was obviously one that was infact wanted by two loving parents.

    but in that being said, it's highly unlikely, nearly immpossible that the entire world would be g*y. there's always going to be hate eitherway. homophobes still even. it can't be helped.

    and kids could also loose their parents in death, but hopefully they'd get adopted by other loving parents.

    hmmm, it's a good bit to think about. it'd be cool to find out, but like i said, and hate to have to say it, it's not gonna happen.


  12. mmmm s**y men!

  13. it'd be nice, all the boys i like would like me back


  14. keep in mind that you can still have kids if your g*y. lesbians often have guy (g*y or straight) friend to help them out in this. it is perfectly possible for g**s to have kids. also, not all of them would be g*y, some of them must be bisexual. it is nothing to worry about because we would still be able to reproduce.  

  15. it is possible if everyone were to be g*y that the human race would live on. people are just stupid.

  16. Artificial insemination?  

  17. Nothing would need to change to ensure the survival of the human race.  Lots of lesbians want to have babies, we could just continue to use artificial insemination and create generations of non-judgemental kids.

  18. People would have to rely on test tube children then. We as humans are adaptable and will survive.


    For some reason this reminds me of a story I once read that suggested that only g*y and lesbians will be in the future, and not straight people.

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