
What would we do if the sea and all water vanished tomorrow?

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ok its not likely to happen but what do you think would happen to mankind we go extinct.




  1. We would have to make due with our own urine

  2. about three days is the limit for humans to go without water. then alles est kaput.

  3. oh ...we cant do anything...Live some days without water and then die....

  4. this is why god made cola

  5. we would all die.

  6. to put it quite simply WE WOULD BE f*****k E D

    i would get smashed and the ndo something stupid like trying to stop a tank with my hands and get run over

    but hey that isnt going to happen EVER

  7. all life would go extinct. life on this planet can not live without water..period

  8. In all ecosystems the limiting factor is the one that everybody needs but it's not easily obtainable. Currently water is a limiting factor only in dry areas such as deserts, etc.

    Considering that life on Earth really needs water, it is not hard to imagine that without any source of water available, most life forms on Earth will go extinct and dissapear for ever if humans won't provide them water. So it will be a global disaster, as humans rely on other life forms for obtaining food, and even if they can produce enough water for themselves, current systems that provide food will be destroyed.

    Water will become a much more precious thing than it is currently, as it will have to be obtained by chemical means. I presume it will become one of the most precious things on Earth. Even washing hands with water will be an unbelievable luxury for the large majority of people on Earth. Many will die of thirsty, being to poor or/and too far away from the areas where water is produced. It is possible that some people will make devices for recovering the water from the dead bodies, either human, animal or plant, but this will be only a desperate measure which will merely delay the unavoidable.

    From a technical point of view, would not be very difficult  for humans to produce it, as water is actually hydrogen oxide (H2O), so after burning hydrogen you get H2O and heat (which vaporizes the resulting water). For every 2 kilos of hydrogen burnt, you get 18 kilos/liters of liquid water. Since there is about 21% oxygen in Earth's atmosphere, all you need is enough hydrogen, and after burning it you can get water (it still needs some salts/minerals, but yes, drinking water). The problem is that there is not an easy task to obtain H2 gas, an input of energy is needed, and also the Earth doesn't contain enough hydrogen, if water is considered gone! So the only reliable, long term source of hydrogen would be the extraterrestrial space.

    If no reliable means for obtaining hydrogen from outer space wil be developed, then it is obvious that the survivors of the human race will have to leave the Earth and look for another life-friendly planet in the Universe. As current rockets use liquid hydrogen (tons and tons!), it is presumable that only a few superpowers will have the resources to launch such an expedition, and this wouldn't have to be delayed very much after the crisis begins...

    So, we have to appreciate what we have: a nice friendly planet wich offers us both oxygen and water, so life can exist. Now, ask yourself how much water have you wasted today?!

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