
What would win in a fight a green spotted puffer or betta?

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I just wanted to know not like i'm really gonna put them to fight.




  1. The puffer would for sure. Bettas are actually not that tough of a fish. They flare up their gills to scare predators away which make them look bigger and badder, so that is their largest defense mechanism. Where as puffers have hard beaks they can break snail shells open with, and teeth, and they can kill fish much larger in size as them. So the betta I don't think would last too long in a fight.

  2. -__- uh me, I would win. I would just show up and kick ***. The end. ^^_^^

  3. betta

  4. Puffer, easily. It's like sending in a rooster trained for cockfighting against a big dog. The rooster might be bred to fight, but the dog is bigger and stronger.

  5. puffer. i got won hes pretty intense

  6. The puffer fish.  The bettas bred for pets are not really meant for fighting.  Their long fins weigh them down and are a big handicap to them.  They aren't really generally aggressive, either, they are just territorial and aggressive to other rival bettas, not all fish.  They have teeth, but they are only meant for fighting other bettas, not for biting through the prickly skin of a puffer fish.  Puffers can bite through the shell of a pond snail to get at the snail flesh and would do a lot more damage to a betta.  Not to mention which, they are a lot more naturally aggressive to all fish than bettas.  There would be a good chance that the betta would just try to run and hide from the puffer.

  7. The puffer, hands down, a beta can be aggressive puffers are just aggressive....

  8. the puffer would win of course

    because of his teeth they have

    i hope you really won't do it though

  9. Puffer.  Male Bettas will generally only attack other fish with long finnage and/or colorful.

    Puffers will attack and nip just about anything that moves.

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